Your comments

k, so there is this 'Review' menu in smartGit, which i think is for this purpose but it wants to 'initialize a new Review DB' in my repo etc. Several team members do not use smartGit (don't ask me why). Currently all Pull Request creation and comment communication happens on the GitHub website. It would be nice if they could continue using GitHub for that, while I have the same functionality mirrorred in smartGit - i.e., i could create a new pull request for the feature branch i have been working on (specifying the destination branch i want my request to merge into) or view all the existing pull requests out there, be able to look at the associated file diffs, make comments etc. all within smartGit and they would see all that on Github - without the need for creating this 'new Review Database' business. Hope this makes more sense. Please correct me if i am missing something in SmartGit.