Your comments

I don't know any Git Cllients that i have used that handle this. And now i mostly use SmartGit anyways :)

But what i know is that when bissecting is needed that it's just sad i have to go back to commandline :)

Yeah bissecting is getting very popular and useful nowdays. Would be nice if it could make it up to smartgit :)

Well I think that one of the issues that people complain about is not to have an handy way to switch from repo view to log view. Repo view has a button to switch to log view, why not having the same kind of button in the bar to get back at least from log view to repo view.

In a dev environment, you tend to have a lot of windows, and searching alt tabbing the log window is a pain, especially if you have several repositories openned :)

Imho any of the solutions proposed would work :

- Integrate log window somehow in repo window or the other way round.

- make a toggle button / keyboard shortcut that allows to switch easilly from one to the other.

I would totally second the idea of having the Log & Tree panes in the same window. 

It's pretty annoying to have to switch windows when you have already a bunch of windows in a dev environment.

I don't really mind wether it's added as a perspective or some toggle in the main bar, but making it all in one window would be awesome :)