Your comments

@Marc Strapetz SmartGit 21.1 does not fix this issue.

Actually I can fix it by changing lib/

+ + branchDir=`git worktree list --porcelain | grep -B 2 "^branch.*$branchName" | grep 'worktree' | awk '{print $2}'` + if [ "$branchDir" != "" ] && [ -d "$branchDir" ]; then + cd "$branchDir" + fi head=`git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD` if [ $head == $branch ]; then git merge --ff-only $upstream else git update-ref $branch $upstreamSha fi

Maybe you can use this method. Thanks.

It is good to see syntax-coloring theme support. However, for me, default color theme is enough, i hardly to edit sources in smartgit, mainly compare CHANGEs. And also UI-backgroud-coloring support is indispensable for a beautiful theme (e.g. Solarized Dark/Light), like Visual Studio, VS Code does.


We mainly use the master branch, if we see new auto-fetch remote commits at Branches, we like to right-click fast-forward-merge directly rather than switch to worktrees first.


if [ $head == $branch ]; then
  git merge --ff-only $upstream
  git update-ref $branch $upstreamSha

It only calls `git update-ref`, i think it should be improved!

You should know, when i first used 20.1, i was surprised by the square symbol: what is that? Is git wrong? Is  someone commit wrong title?

After some research, when i swicthed column: Author to Committer,,, ohhhh, it is sign symbol.

I hardly see signed tags in Branches view  (my experience); as i said above, log grpah may contain signed commits unintentionally

As the picture shows, you can see, most developers do NOT sign their commits, but if they merge PR from github website (it is popular, right?), Github( will sign the commits; in this case. we really don't care the signed-symbol, if Log Graph always show them, looks really uneven and inattentive to other commit titles.

Please give an option.

I know SmartGit 20.2 has a new sign label, but i really want to hide them, better if add a option
into hamburger menu of Log Graph (location - Columns: SHA, Date; Author, Committer, Neither; Sign Label).

After i uncheck "Use to show images for the users", i think the local cache is also unnecessary. esp. LAN Offline env.