Your comments

The Copy Absolute Path funktion exists concealed in the Save As ... context menu ...

Meanwhile I'm using Save As ... to workaround this missing feature:

Press: CTRL + S to get Save As ...

Press: CTRL + C to copy the aready marked "Target File"

Close Save file As ... dialog

In the IDE: use CTRL + V in the "open file" dialog

yep, all I’m looking for is a quick and easy way to open the displayed file in the current version.

just call the feature "Open Working Version"

Oh, I see, this can be complicated … you are right, this makes only sense for real existing files with the latest version of the file.

No, I thought about just a simple “Open” command of the actually file in the current working tree like the one in the main window. The tool (IDE) is invoked by the OS.

Maybe this can be done with an additional “file_exists” check ?
If file with displayed filename exists, add the “Open” and "Reveal in Explorer" Functions to the context menu. Simply use the current version of the file (no need to clone the repository or create temporary "old" versions).

All I’m looking for is a quick and easy way to open the displayed file in the current version.

Hi Thomas,

thx for quick replay.

Yes, the log can contain historic files. But in a (my) active project, the most files are still there at the same place and have the same name. Sure, there have different content now, but this is not the point.

Reason, why I’m asking this feature is quite simple:

I open SmartGit and see the nice Journal of latest changes in the current project done by my colleges.
To get more details about a commit, I select now “Log” and get a great view of the done changes -> perfect.

But stop, what has he done there … this change in the goofy.lib looks little bit bugy for me, I have to look on it closer in the IDE …

Now I have to open the IDE, search the correct path (maybe click 1 or 2 times the wrong one ?) and open the goofy.lib … annoying.

Could be much easier to right click the already viewed filename in the log and just “Open” it.

INHO, it would make me smile :)

Best regards, Bernhard