Your comments

Using the internal Amazon Linux 2 cloud desktop image, I'm still not able to rearrange tabs in version "23.1 preview 13 #20118, installed: #20104".

SmartGit support already asked how to setup an Amazon Linux 2 VM outside of the AWS platform for troubleshooting. I can't provide the internal Amazon Linux 2 image for troubleshooting so this isn't possible. Is there any distro or package info that I can provide to help troubleshoot this issue without a VM?

I see the low level property in 23.1 preview 10, "window.title.showRepositoryPath". Thanks!

I just sent a bug report email to with all of the details.

Checked 23.1 preview 9 Standard Working view. It's missing right-click menu option "Add group". 

"Add group" is also missing from the icon bar that has "Add or Create", "Clone", and "Search".

I can confirm the Standard Window Drag&Drop tab feature works on MacOS but does not work on Linux. I mainly use a Linux workspace (AL2).

MacOS SmartGit Version: 23.1 preview 9 #20082

Linux (AL2) SmartGit Version: 23.1 preview 9 #20082, installed: #20064

Hi, thanks for the reply. 

The platform is macOS and I'm running version 12.3 (Monterey). The application path is "/Applications/". 

Included below are links I referenced while trying to configure this in SmartGit.