Your comments

Yes, that's where I found the hint with "-Dswt.autoScale=100". I am running SmartGit 23.1.1.

I love the fact that Smart Git is compatible with WSLg. It's a significant differentiator compared to other Git tools!

I've observed that when using a 5K2K screen (5120x2160px) with 175% DPI Scaling on Windows 11, the UI of SmartGit appears extremely small. It seems that my Windows scaling option is not being applied to the Linux UI (I am using SmartGit with GTK_THEME=Adwaita).

I tinkered with "-Dswt.autoScale=100" in "~/.config/smartgit/smartgit.vmoptions," but no luck.

I also encounter numerous "gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkScrollbar" warnings in the console while navigating within the SmartGit user interface using my mouse. Is there any additional information I can provide to address this issue?

Thanks for the info. This helped! But as suggested it would be nice to have a setting for this inside of SmartGit. :)

I am so eagerly waiting for this!! :)