Your comments

Here is a (simple) instance where SmartGit log is misleading, and where Source Tree is more readable.

  • On the bottom Master is green and changes to Red at the top.
  • Bra-5 looks like the continuation of Master
  • Later in the graph, the merge of Bra-31 will look like a merge of Bra-5 to Master (because of their positions and colors).

I removed my vote because I now realise that with Git a commit is not "on a branch".

For example, in the following graph, the "1" commit is not more on branch-A than on branch-B.

The interface Details view correctly state that the commit is "on branches: bra-A, bra-B".

All the other tools we tried show lines ending changes: SourceTree, TortoiseGit, Tower, GitLab.

To make the programmer aware of the diff is essential in order to prevent "Wall of Pink" problems (

I am new to Git and maybe this is a philosophical thing, but:

When looking at a very long branch it is difficult to find the Head name by scrolling because colours are reused.

You had a similar feature in SmartGit 6.5, see the attached picture: