Your comments

Nice... but getting an error using DragNDrop:

    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget.drop(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget.outlineView_acceptDrop_item_childIndex(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget.dropTargetProc(

Sorry, I'm not using Windows.

But I'm guessing this feature is useful to anyone (even Windows users without the need for the hack) who works with multiple big projects and don't want to have dozens of groups in their setup.

Less groups will provide:

  • much better responsiveness and performance (if you have favorite repos it will degrade performance)
  • much better usability (you are constantly searching the repo in a big tree of groups).

I want to replace my working set (the repositories and associations to groups) with other set of repositories and groups.

Let say, at work. I want some file structure like:

  • Common Libs
    • Lib1 (git)
    • Lib2 (git)
  • Project X
    • FrontEnd (git)
    • BackEnd (git)
    • Core (git)
    • Console (git)
  • Project N (bunch of other projects groups)
    • .... n repos

Let say, at home. I want some file structure like:

  • GitHub

    • bootstrap (git)
    • Lib2 (git)
  • Personal Project X

    • FrontEnd (git)
    • BackEnd (git)
    • Core (git)
    • Console (git)
  • Personal Project N (bunch of other projects groups)

    • .... n repos

Just wan't to swith between 'sets', in this case, work and personal. But could be much more then just that.

I didn't understood your question and not sure it was related to the 'grouping' issue

If I could create Profiles and change between them in SmartGit. And a Profile means different settings and repositories. Then it will do the job also (altough I would need to reconfigure my settings per every Profile I want to create).

Although not perfect in my eyes, the Inner Groups (group in group) would be a simpler addition, and almost does the job (just expand the ones you need... and collapse and expand the other when changing context).

I just made a mockup that made sense, in terms of use, for me. But, configuration of 'Sets' could be just a User Preference and no major change in the 'Repositories View' would be added. Also, the 'Sets Dropdown' only is visible if a user configures some 'Sets'. So, most users would see much of a difference when not using 'Sets'.

I would like something like this. Support for Sets and/or Inner groups.

I personally prefer to something like define a 'Working Set'/Session/Project that I could have only the repositories and groups that I'm focus on. If I switch context (different project / environment / whatever) then I can load a different 'Working Set' and display other repositories and groups. This would be a better workflow for me.

But I would be glad to have nested groups has an alternative.