Your comments

... on the other hand, you shouldn't have so much stashes in parallel ...

I don't know if it's a Windows Linux thing or if it depends on the client ontop of Git, but some "tools" don't support *.gitignore files in child directories.

That's one reason why we have the style rule to store all ignores in the repository root's file. Another is to collect it at a prominent location, so you don't have "side effects".

local = repo/sub/dir/.gitignore

root = repo/.gitignore

The first example should be merged into the second example.

The uninitialized submodule state is also cause if the submodule has again submodules. While the parent submodule gets added, fetches and checked out. the child submodules are uninitialized.

To minimize this situation, a "sub module add" could be recursive. Add a checkbos for recursive submodule inits.

It would help in managing flows using many submodules.


- the submodule is branched off to support a new hardware platform XYZ

- the parent repository should now also branch off a branch XYZ (named like in the submodule) and then link to the submodule of branch XYZ.

The mentioned proposal could help in such a flow, if the submodule is fleshly added to the parent and a user want to jump directly to branch XYZ for the new variation.

Group-fetches would be nice. So right-click a group in the bookmarks view and fetch them all.


@Jeff Sensen

By marking repositories as favorites, these repositories are updated every 10 minutes in the background.