Your comments

I recommend to add following lines to your user's Git config:

[http "https://server:1234/"]
    sslCAInfo = path-to-ca.crt
    sslCert = path-to-client.crt
    sslKey = path-to-client.pem

That way you can use any repository for the configured http://server:1234 and cloning also works. The last 2 lines are only necessary for (recommended) client certificates.

Sorry, there is no support yet for such binary-to-text conversion tools in SmartGit, but you could use any third-party compare GUI tool that is able to directly compare these files.

I had hoped for a better suggestion. IMHO, tree views for showing directories and files are a - err - suboptimal approach.

There is no exact date. Does the intermediate build work fine for you?

In build 13202 you can set the low-level property ui.fonts.useDefaultAsInfo to true to get this effect.

This will be fixed in build 13202.

What operating system at what resolution (pixels/dpi) you are using?

BTW, on Windows 10 it is possible to enter emojis using Windows+. (dot key).

Just curious: for what reason you would like to have emoji-support? For commit messages?