Your comments

What exactly do you want to see: a time stamp for each line or for each executed command? Time stamp or duration?

Well, for us, the toolbar belongs to the tabs.

A "view" consists of the tab and often also the toolbar area. Do you really suggest to group them together?

BTW, did you know you can switch between tabs using the scrollwheel of the mouse?

What SmartGit version you are using 18.2 or 19.1 preview?

Please give SmartGit 19.1 preview a try and invoke Help | Check for Latest Build to get #14054 which implements this feature.

When selecting the commit, you can click the name in the Details view to open the email client (or right-click to copy the email address).

Please check out the low-level properties and

The .tar.gz bundle already lets nearly every user run in on nearly every Linux.