Your comments

Sounds strange. To better understand this, I have to see at least the entire history from now to the point display on the screenshot. You may send the screenshot to

If Git-Flow is properly configured, develop should stick to the left.

For your SmartGit screenshot: the green line from above belongs to develop? To which branch does the red line belong? Which exact SmartGit version are you testing with?

Please try to compose a small example repository illustrating the problem.

Graph layouting may have contradictory goals: SmartGit is layouting your log with a single line crossing while the other Git client requires 4 line crossings.

What's the name of your "main development" branch? When using Git-Flow, the "development" branch will have a higher priority and stick to the left (at the cost of possible additional line crossings).

You just want to see tags, not other branches? The Journal view looks similar to the log, but it's optimized to display the history for your current branch, its remote branch and an optional auxiliary branch. Hence we by intention skip other refs.

The interactive rebase is exactly made for the purpose of performing a couple of operations at once. Contrary to what you write, when squashing a commit there, you will already see the future single squashed commit. What exact information are you still missing here? Please note that we won't add a "log graph" to this dialog because commits will be only linear anyway.

You can do that by using View|Set Anchor Commit (only enabled for Merge and Branch coloring)

I've removed the "Allow more than 1 level grouping" part of this RFE. If multi-level branch hierarchy is important for you, please vote for:

Have you enabled Git-Flow (Light) and configured "master" as your develop-branch?

I have just uploaded 17.1 preview build 11069 which comes with two improvements:

- in certain situations, parent colors are better preserved (requires Git-Flow to be enabled, so SmartGit will know that "develop" is more important than e.g. "features/foo")

- with system property smartgit.log.graph.layoutActions=true set, the graph context menu provides a new option to Toggle Preserve Parent Order (for which effects may be more frequent/visible if Git-Flow is disabled)