Your comments

Can you please give command line example commands for one complete "cycle"?

You as author should be able to edit. When you have the topic opened, on the right side there should be a menu box, including Edit and Delete. Is this box present for you, but no Edit there? I can change the topic myself, if Edit is not working.

Please elaborate in more detail where SmartGit's GitHub integration should be improved or what is not working as expected.

I don't have access to a Mac currently, but you have switch your entire OSX to Dark Mode. Have a look at e.g.:

When you switch your operating system to a dark theme, is SmartGit showing up properly in dark? It should.

The OP was more referring to Mercurial, hence we have renamed this topic and created a new one for Git:

I've added a new topic for the Log -- please vote for it:

So your request is just to add the Stash menu item to the popup menu? Fine. Regarding stashing of a subset of files, there is already another topic: