Your comments

Are you aware than you can "speed search" for commits by just starting to type while the focus is in the table?

Also, there is another (big) problem with your suggestion: SmartGit would possibly load a huge amount of commits into memory while searching your repository (to the beginning). This quickly results in an out-of-memory problem which is the reason why we had changed code some versions ago to *not* work on the entire graph.

@jeff, it's reasonable to extend 201 topic for content diffs as well (I guess the author even assumes this implicitly when clicking on a file). To bundle votes, it makes sense to join both issues, but it's up to ...

I'm not sure why (nvie's) Git-Flow is working differently for features than for hotfixes or releases. I can only speculate and this is what makes sense to me: features are usually larger changes and despite of a successful merge/rebase of your feature onto develop, you might still want to perform some more tasks before finally pushing, like checking whether everything still compiles or running tests.

Ram, no the current integration doesn't go that far. I'd suggest to create a new topic (I've renamed the current one).

I'm wondering whether we should better close this topic in favor of to count votes correctly?

What exact kind of navigation do you have in mind?