Your comments

AFAIU, this topic comprises two different issues:

(1) Sort order of the branches: which branch should be further left (relative to others)

(2) Straight connectors

I think it's possible to address (1) with reasonable effort, because we already do something similar for Git-Flow. Regarding (2), as Thomas has pointed out, the minimum-width, shift-to-left layouting is a very fundamental mechanism and won't be easy to change and would likely cause other drawbacks.

I think, except of updates, SmartGit only shows very few and highly relevant notifications. Seeing approximately one such notification per quarter shouldn't be too obtrusive?

Btw, if we had this option and you had this option set, you probably would not even know about UserEcho. At least that's true for the majority of our UserEcho users.

> Does that mean the repository pull settings apply also to background fetch?

These specific settings, yes.

Pretty much what it says: it will cluster commits within a branch (line).

This should already happen, if (1) you have configured background fetching in the Preferences and (2) you have configured Always fetch new commits, tags and branches from submodules in the Repository settings.

I understand now. Unfortunately the submodule is a different repository and displaying such commits doesn't fit into the Journal at all. Also, a pull on your main repository won't bring these new submodule commits because the submodule-pointer (GITLINK) in the parent repository hasn't changed (otherwise you would see this commit in the Journal).

Is View|Cluster Commits by Branch option what you are looking for?

I don't exactly understand the description -- the Journal for LibraryA will already show new commits for LibraryA. Can you please review your description and/or give more details?