Your comments

I guess this is something which could be displayed in the Details view, instead of displaying in a separate window. Though, I'm not sure on computational overhead compared to the Git tree diff which we do currently. Hence, maybe it should be optional.

Narrowed this topic to compare Index against arbitrary commit. Comparing the working tree (including local modifications) will require significant more work and will be significantly slower. If this is still what you are looking for, vote for:

Pulling means merging/rebasing and this may result in conflicts. Are you sure you want this? There is already an option to fetch "favorite" repositories in background.

Thanks for pointing out, c600g. In 18.2 Preview you can configure this by selecting Preferences - User Interface - Prefer - Log window.

For SmartGit 18.2 Preview, you will be able to see the Working Tree and the Index modifications in the Log (i.e. the same information as in the main window).

What exactly are the use cases for seeing the differences between your working tree/index and a non-head commit?

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