Your comments

Yes, would like to avoid the reorder and be able to just select and Squash from context menu. I created that make ot more clear the request is asking to add functionality to the Squash context menu.

Thanks. In our environment we can have hundreds of remote branches, so finding and selecting from the drop down is a fair amount of work.

I am suggesting SmartGit allow user to to do it from the remote branch tile in the graph. This practically is quite useful since  I usually create the local branch in the graph, and the remote branch the local branch is based on is usually quite nearby in the graph.

I guess another way of doing it might be if user right clicks a remote branch (vs the commit) and does "Add Branch" then that remote branch is proposed as the upstream.

A related feature request is the ability to easily set the upstream of the current branch by just right cicking on the remote branch the user wants as their upstream - I suspect in many cases that may be easier than selecting a upstream in the branch creation dialog (though it would be two steps rather than one dialog).

Yes, it would be quite handy if there was a Fetch menu item on remote branches. Both on the branch name in the Branches view and on the branch tile in the graph.

Then the user could fetch just that remote tag directly from log or from branches list. For example, from the Log a user could fetch a tag and then reset local branch on that tag without having to right click the remote.

I am specifically asking for it in the Log Window.

I have seen vscode supplant IntelliJ for tens of thousands of developers and the main reason is vscode's remote support. I highly recommend smartgit actively look at how to support a similar remote model. I know its a big jump, but it seems necessary to remain competitive. Especially with semi-free options like vscode + free GitLens.

I would love to see this also. A variation might be ability to select the target commit and have an option for "commit and squash to this commit". So commit select would happen in log view rather than commit pane (which seems like it might be easier to implement).

This would be very helpful and I agree #4 seems the best way to go. Basically a 
$lineNumber$ needs to be added to the argument variables list and the context menu in Changes and other file views should include Open.