Your comments

This is intended behavior. SmartGit tries to keep the selected files selected, even if their state changes. Workaround: hide unchanged files.

The next 24.1 preview release will have this option set to `false` by default as the current behavior is not really predictable without closely looking at the repository grouping.

What SmartGit version you are using? Note, that Windows on ARM ist not (yet) officially supported.

If you have forgotten the master password, moving the cursor over the blue (i) in the dialog will show a hint.

A submodule only can be committed if it points to a different commit. Committable files in a submodule do not change the submodule state of a parent repository. Even if we would show the submodule in the parent repository as "contains changes", you would not be able to commit the submodule in the parent repository, but only in the submodule itself.

As Amazon plans to shut down this service, we are not going to implement support for it.

Please describe more precisely where exactly you want to see what? Do you mean something like the Submodule display in the Repositories view of the Log window?

Use Split Commit for that purpose.