Your comments

Wondering if this feature is in release plans and forthcoming?  Manually formatting a commit message with newlines is a time waster!

The commit line length guides are set to the Git commit standards.  Changing them is "kind of worthless" as then you violate the Git standard.  What use case do you have that requires violating the standard?

No, didn't realize I'd have to do that.  That works, thanks again.

Thomas, running 20.2 RC 4 #16102 and set table.copySelectionWithCtrlC to false seems to only affect the Files view and causes nothing to happen - the clipboard/copy buffer remains unchanged, nothing is copied.  I expected it to copy the filename.

Thank you Thomas!  Can't ask for a faster response :) !!

This request is similar to

This is my largest usability problem with SmartGit - the inability to additively open repos and the inability to change repo double-click behavior.

1. I often have two dozen repos open - large systems organized into multiple repos.  Opening the needed repos isn't hard, but the current limitations make it an irritating time waster having to select them in same and different groups to open.

2. I sometimes accidentally double clicked a repo name and it magically closes all of them except the clicked one.  Then I have to re-do the opening...

I want a setting to choose whether double-click opens exclusively or additively.

If Syntevo is that worried about SG performance with many repos open (I'm not, I have nearly 30 open with no problem), then pop up a dialog for some large open repo amount stating "Note: many open repos may cause performance problems".

Another useful menu option on a selected branch is "Copy with Repo Name" to have both in one copy.

Agreed - a menu option with keyboard shortcut is ideal way to reformat.  This is also similar to Emac's reflow feature.

Awesome!!  On and working, thank you very much as usual!  :)

> Assumption here is that filtering for the file name (and especially content) is a rare event.

lol, file name is the one I search with the most, followed by content!  I would appreciate the option to have them always on, thank you.

FWIW, I note no slowness searching with file name.  Perhaps it is machine dependent (mine is a good one).