Your comments

Not all of the commits contains an emoji, but important commits do !

Also, you can just use one subset of GitMoji...

What is important is to add something to your log, easing the identification of important commits. You won't use it just as a toy, but as a tool :)

Emoji support in git clients and git web apps is pretty low for now (certainly just a matter of fonts used to display the commits messages). It's almost mandatory to use GitHub codes instead of characters  - for example :bug: instead of 🐛.

For example Atom, whereas not explicitly stating using Gitmoji, uses lots of the same codes for their commit. This is even stated in their contributing guide :

Hello, yes, for commit messages !

As gsc pointed out, GitMoji is becoming a standard in many projects !

Since 18.2 this inconsistency disappeared, this ticket can be closed.

This is not true anymore (using 18.2)

You might close this ticket ?

Not ignore but hide by default !

Smartgit already does a great job by providing the ability to order reverse, but you're still getting lots of elements.

I would like something like :

- support

|  - 2.4

|  - 2.3

| <show more>

- tags

|  - 2.4.5

|  - 2.4.4

|  - 2.4.3

|  - 2.4.2

|  - 2.4.1

|  - 2.4.0

| <show more>

When clicking on the "show more" link, every other nodes would be shown as today.

Nothing exciting :D

The output (log, FTP commands and the responses) is just text that you can copy/paste as you like. There is also a syntax highlighting.

You can see this window for example here (just below host and login) :

Maybe output to something similar to what you have in FileZilla ?


Indeed it would be nice to get rid of this option popup. But in my 18.2 preview the Pull button submenu has only fetch and fetch more options, not the rebase/merge commit options ?