Your comments

Really loving it, many thanks for your work !
A little feedback : I add 2 unpushed commits, I tried to move the last one before the previous, it generated a conflict, ok. But what was strange is that a "smartgit_temp" branch was added AND checkout.


Just installed the preview, I love the way index and working tree are displayed in the log window !! For now everything works perfectly ! I'm using the log window as my main window, so I'll test it intensively in the next days... will keep you informed !

Great job, many thanks !

I agree ! Using the functionnality is not so complicated, but the first time you're just feeling really unconfortable. Plus, some corner use cases (exemple : stepping over a commit) might be handled but as a user you can't be sure...

Oh sorry I misread : you meant open a commit, not a ticket...
Gitbuqtraq allows to create customized links using regexp, so you can make clickable references in your commits message. This is useful to add links to ticket reference.

Smartgit ease a lot developpers work with the auto stash feature, I really miss it A LOT when using interactive rebase... and I'm using it more and more often (specially when working in the log view)

Oh ok. Maybe simply use right click / discard on the file then ?

I guessed it was in the git-svn header value, but yes you're right it's in the git sha... and it make sense :)
This is ok for me, I'm not asking for a specific "search on svn rev" option.

My work with git-svn is already far easier than before with all the things added in 18.1 ! So many thanks again.

I'm surprise you're suggesting this... Did you try to commit / amend very regularly instead ?

Many thanks !

Just tested this with build 12045, I've got weird results... Having only the ID selected, most (not all) of the rev numbers I tried returns multiple commits (2 to 5). The first one was always the one with the searched rev number, and I can't figure out why the others were returned ?