Your comments

For the file compare control SmartGit considers letters, digits and _ as word character.

Have you considered to rename your remotes?

Do you know this information is shown in the tooltip text?

Please stay with the mouse over the first or last row for a moment. Then the autoscrolling should start.

> This is unrelated to the existing requests for different icon for file statuses.

I disagree, because we use the exact same symbols for the toolbar as well as for the file (status-based) icons.

Please click the icon on the lower left status bar to see the output of the last command.

Please give Bisect a try. It allows to check out the commit ("Try Commit").

We are working on a way to check out a commit by creating a (temp) branch. We are not planning to check out a commit without a helper branch because it leads the unexperienced user into a harder to manage state.

Explanation: we've decided to not have 100% indepedent layouts, but keep the left (categories) form and the Changes view the same size in Local Files and History to not have to much visual noise on the screen when switching.