Your comments

To check out a branch by typing the name, you can use Ctrl+P popup.

Set the low-level property repository.suggestMostAppropriateGroup to false.

Would you mind invoking an extra action in the Commit view (or dialog) to trigger invoking the .git/hooks/commit-msg script?

In the next build there will be a low level property to show the path, too.

Works fine on our Linux machines (Ubuntu, Manjaro - both with Gnome desktop).

Drag the commits right beside each other, select them and invoke Squash.

Please describe your workflow in more details.

Works for me on MacOS 13.3.1 (M1) with SmartGit 22.1.5 and a real mouse.

Which commit window? The one where you enter the commit message, or where the commit message is displayed? Which styles of markup do you use? I reckon, images or different head lines are not needed?

This would require to make it optional, e.g. with the Help of a toolbar button - for symmetric reasons also for All Branches + Tags.