Share your ideas on how to improve SmartGit!

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First search for a similar request and add your votes or comments there.

Take the time to describe your request as precisely as possible, so users will understand what you want. Please note that we appreciate your time and input, but we don't give any guarantees that a certain feature will be implemented. Usually, a minimum requirement is a sufficient number of votes. Hence, please don't comment like "when will this be implemented", but vote instead.

Follow the writing guidelines.

Thank you for your help!


Changes view with optional Mini-map

sitymarz 3 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 3 months ago 1

When trying to navigate fast to differences, its always hard to exactly get your mouse over the narrow scroll bar. a wide one would make it much more user friendly like VScode.

Image 891

Changes view

Feature Request: Fast User Switching

Bastian 4 months ago updated 4 months ago 1

In our assembly facilities, we are frequently sharing a computer between multiple users. In this context, it would be useful to quickly switch between user names/emails, or select a user for each commit. SourceTree had such a feature, which was useful.

GUI Settings

Copy repository group name by Ctrl+C

arcadius 6 months ago 0

Now, pressing Ctrl+C on repository group in Repositories windows has no effect.

Repository Management

Missing smart feature: optional automatic background-check: Check all Repositories for changes

Thomas Schittli 6 months ago updated 6 months ago 8


I miss a smart feature:

If you work in several projects, it is very tedious and time-consuming SmartGit to check in whether there have been changes in one of the repositories: you have to select and check each one manually.

It would be great if you could activate a SmartGit background check for Repositoeries that:

  1. Adjustable e.g. every 60 minutes
  2. Each repository checks whether:
    1. Local changes have been made
    2. There have been changes on the git server
    3. The authentication is still OK
  1. (Annoying Editor: this is 4.)
    The recorded information is then displayed for each repo

Thanks a lot, kind regards,

Repository Management

Feature branch commit amend by default

Pierre Durand 7 months ago updated 6 months ago 4

When I work on a feature branch, I always amend a single commit:

- I don't want to have to deal with commit messages each time I push a small change to my feature branch

- In the end, when I merge my feature branch, all commits are squashed to a single one, so the commit messages are lost

Each time I commit, I need to check the "amend" checkbox in the commit dialog.

I would like to have an option "Always amend commit on a feature branch", so this checkbox would always be checked.

It could be turned off by default.

Thank you, I love your product :)

Commit dialog

Standard window: Expand/collapse merge nodes in all branches view

Bryce Schober 8 months ago updated by Daniel Siegl 8 months ago 1

I just discovered the ability to expand & collapse merge nodes in the "Only current branch" log view, and I love it, thanks!

And now I really wish I had that feature in the "all branches" mode also. Unlike the "only current branch" mode, it would default to expanded as today, but allow merges to be collapsed.

Graph GUI Standard window

Quick Amend and Streamline Single File Commits

Marcelo Filho 9 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 9 months ago 3

Hey SmartGit folks,

I've been thinking about a couple of tweaks that could make SmartGit even smoother for everyday tasks. First off, how about a quick shortcut for amending commits? Right now, we have to tick the "Amend" box in the commit dialog, which is fine but a bit slow if you're doing it a lot. A single keypress or a direct button for this would be super handy.

And for those times when we're just fixing up a single file and want to amend it to the last commit, wouldn't it be cool to have an option to do that without the commit dialog popping up? Like, right-click the file and choose to amend commit directly—using the last commit message as a default. It would streamline those quick amendments.

What do you guys think? Could be some neat quality-of-life improvements, right?


Commit dialog

Find in change-set

Holi 9 months ago 0

Find a text in all changed files of a change-set. In a million+ code lines project some text might appear thousands of times, but you're only interested in the places of files you applied changes to. Add a checkbox to specify that only lines should be found where a change happened.

With that, if you have a huge change-set (e.g. 100+ files), you're able to track down a specific change (that may be problematic) much faster.

Changes view File compare Investigate

Forgejo/codeberg integration

fourier 10 months ago updated by Daniel Siegl 6 months ago 4

For those of us who contribute actively to opensource projects based on forgejo(for of gitlab) platform, i.e. codeberg, it would be nice to have some sort of integration, i.e. referencing issues, query issues, list pull requests, etc.


LFS prune during Garbadge collector prune

guillaume chauvel 10 months ago updated by Daniel Siegl 9 months ago 1

Add a check box in the garbadge collector popup to be able to fully clean a repository with a single pass on "Local" menu.

or a low level property to run "lfs prune" when the prune checkbox is selected.