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Delete vs Remove: better names for both operations

Hans-Hendrik 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 8 years ago 1

Hello to the team,

I always forget: what is "delete" what is "remove".

why not "delete file" and "remove from Git"



Autosyncing favourite repositories

Emanuele Tonello 8 years ago updated by Colin Richardson 8 years ago 1

Favourite repos will already auto-fetch new commits by other users. It will be nice if it was possible to automatically pull those changes (optionally of course)


Optionally hide potentially dangerous commands depending on selectable skill level

Thomas Singer 8 years ago updated by alexfouche 8 years ago 4

Ask the user on the first start up how (s)he rates his/her Git skill level: beginner, advanced or hard-core (that should be changeable in the preferences).

Depending on this level, some dangerous commands, e.g. deleting tags/branches from remotes, forced push, could be hidden for less experiences users.