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Cancel in progress/scheduled background processes

Jeff Jensen 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 5

With having more than a few dozen repos for different products (organized into groups), the SG background processes (e.g. fetch) can take awhile to run.  Sometimes I have to wait for them to finish before I can do something simple, such as open the log window, because SG disables nearly all UI actions while the background processes run.

When working offline, it takes so long to timeout that it's faster for me to restart SG.

At these moments I wish for a Cancel button to stop them.


Sync horizontal scrolling in changes view

simgunz 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

In the changes view (within the log view), the horizontal scrolling should be synchronised also when the horizontal width of the two sides is different. Currently if one line in the right view is longer than any line in the left view, the horizontal scrolling of the two views is not properly synchronised.

(It can be seen also by the fact that the scroll bar in the right view is smaller than the one in the left view).


Add "Fetch" button in the "Log" window

t linkowski 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 1

I love the "Fetch" button in the main SmartGit window. Please, add this button to the "Log" window too.


Allow fetching a branch without checking it out

burbelgruff 6 years ago 0

I have a branch which is out of date with the server version.

I want to fetch the server code without switching to the branch.


We have a very large c++ application that takes ~2 hours to build. If you have done a major change in a common header, everything needs to be recompiled.

Say you have three branches:

1. develop

2. Feature 1

3. Feature 2

1. You have done some long-term development of a library i feature 2

2. You switch to Feature 1 and change a common header

3. You build and commit and integrate to develop.

4. You want to switch to Feature 2 and continue working on it.

Problem: The time stamp of the common header changes, and you are forced to wait 2 hours for the build to complete. This is also the case if you integrate from develop after you have switched to Feature 2.

Our current solution:

a. Push Feature 2

b. Clone repository into a backup location

In backup location:

c. Check out Feature 2

d. Integrate develop into Feature 2 (Resolve conflicts if necessary)

e. Push Feature 2

Go back to main repository

f. Now we want to fetch Feature 2 without checking out, we use the command line:

git fetch origin feature/Feature_2:feature/Feature_2

We want this operation to be more automatic. The first step is to automate step f, which is the only step we currently cannot use SmartGit to solve.


Discard: should delete untracked files, too

Zeblote 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Currently if I have some changed and some untracked files, and I select all of the files, then right click -> discard them, the untracked ones remain and have to be deleted separately. It would be useful if discard also got rid of the untracked files.


ssh ed25519 key support

fniessen 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 4

Please support ed25519 keys for ssh connections to avoid the flaws in dsa/rsa keys


Fetch button: Fetch also if one of several remotes cannot be reached

ck05 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

I do like the new Fetch button in the main window. It has, however, an issue when a repository has several remotes configured and one of these cannot be reached (think: USB device etc.).

If the command cannot fetch from one remote it will discard the whole operation and won't fetch from any of the others even through they are available (or at least the journal does not show any changes). Performing Pull>Fetch From>Fetch Only is then able to fetch properly.

I suggest that the behavior of the Fetch button is changed so that changes from all reachable repositories are used even if one remote fails. It should continue to show a warning in the output window, but there is no need to prevent the valid data from being used. If there is a use case where it fetch should fail in such a way, an option to disable this behavior would be great. Right now, the new fetch button has limited use for me, although it could be a great shortcut.


Log and Journal view: bold font for current branch commit as in Branches view

Femistoklov 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

In Branches view the current branch has triangle and bold font, in Journal view it has only triangle. It would be good to do the same.


Stash Selection: should stash all modified files in the selected directory

Thomas Singer 7 years ago 0

If one has selected a directory, Stash Selection should collect all modified files in this directory and sub-directories and stash these (but not all modified files in the repository = in other (parallel) directories).