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Provide easy way to see all the deleted files in a repository in Smartgit

mcollier69 5 years ago 0

Our use case for this feature is to retrieve and/or look at old

code that has been removed at some point in the past. Often we don't

know when it was removed and sometimes we don't even remember the name

of the file that we are looking for.The file could have been

removed by another user of the repository and they may not have put the

file name in the commit message. By getting a list of the files deleted

we can see the history of deletion and seeing the file names may also

jog our memory about what the name of the file is. Even with the name,

there isn't a way in Smartgit that I know of to find when the file was

deleted and by which user.For example lets say I delete a

class file from the repository that is no longer referenced or used by

our project. Another user, at a later time is looking for the file but

can't find it anywhere in the project and they would like to at the code

or use the code in something they are working on. They may a vague

recollection that it used to exist 6 months ago but at some point in

time between 6 months ago and now it was deleted. They would then have

to look at the log entry of every commit between now and 6 months ago to

find the deleted file. This could take a long time if there are lots of

commits. A list of deleted files would cut down their search time



Automatically save and apply stash when rebasing

Iulian Onofrei 5 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

It would be nice if SmartGit would automatically stash possible files in the working tree when you start to modify, split or manually rebase some commits, and then apply it back after git rebase finishes. Similar to how it does on a checkout when it detects possible conflicts.


Show the files to be staged, similar to the Commit window

Iulian Onofrei 5 years ago 0

This way, it's way easier to notice that staged files are automatically stashed for selective stashing, and you can also double click each file to view its content beforehand. So something along the lines of:

Image 335


External tools should work in the (standalone) File Compare window

arcadius 5 years ago 0

In the File Compare window, external tools and their shortcuts should work.

${filePath} variable should be filled for them the same way SmartGit does it in other windows.


GitLab: option to open merge request in browser

PL Sarbakan 5 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 0

An option to open a merge request in gitlab (browser) would be very useful (to reply to comments, etc.)


Add Open in GitHub to context menus

Ed Ball 5 years ago updated by rsignup 5 years ago 1

I would like to see "Open in GitHub" in the context menu for just about everything: repositories, folders, files, remotes, branches, tags, and commits.


Align chunks in compact change display

Zeblote 5 years ago 0

Here's a random commit from Unreal Engine as an example why this would be useful:

Image 311

You can see how it's somewhat clunky to read, it gets even worse with larger differences.

Much easier when it's aligned!

Image 312


Remember multiple window instances with positions and opened repositories

Bugged 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 months ago 0

For example, if you have the Google Chrome setting `Continue where you left off`, enabled:

Image 309

And you exit Google Chrome with `File -> Exit`, or you computer just crashes (i.e., abruptly restarts), the next time you open Google Chrome, it restores (i.e., opens back) all opened windows and tabs.

Currently, if I have 2 Working Tree opened, each one with a different repository and I do `File  -> Exit` with SmartGit, the next time SmartGit reopens, it will open back only one (1) window, with the 2 repositories opened.

This behavior is not desired because if I had two (2) windows opened, each one with a different repository open, I would like for SmartGit to keep it that way, the next time I open it.

It also would be nive if SmartGit can:

  1. Restore my two (2) opened windows, in case my computer crashes (i.e., abruptly restarts)
  2. Also restore any Log Window, in case I had one of them opened.

Commit window: show current user

Andreas Schneider 5 years ago 0

I often switch between work and private PC and on each between work and private repositories. It therefore happens that I sometimes accidentally commit with my private email address to a company repository or vise versa.

It would be nice to see the current user (name and email) you commit with in the commit dialog to avoid such situations.


Output window: more flexible text selection

chuvv 6 years ago updated by HFloyd 2 years ago 6

Instead of whole line selecting, can we select a portion of a line, so that we can easily copy, say, a URL or git command? Thanks! :)