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Switching perspectives should also use perspective-specific table columns and toolbars

Thomas Singer 6 years ago 0

A panel might have different size in different perspectives. But currently widths of columns in a panel are the same in all perspectives. Which does not make much sense. E.g. I want to have sufficiently wider "Files" panel in "Review" perspective. But if column widths are the same, it is not that convenient.

Please make column width independent for different perspectives.


New commit & squash command

Pierre Goiffon 6 years ago updated by David Rees 2 months ago 10

From time to time I find that one of my modifications would better fit in an unpushed commit that is not the last one. For example I've git commit A, B, C, I have modifications in my working tree, and I find that one hunk should fit in commit B.

In such situation, I :

* commit the concerned hunks

* in the commit dialog select the commit B message

* commit

* in the log view, launch an interactive rebase

* click on the "auto squash" button

* validate

Having in the commit dialog the option to directly squash staged hunks in a defined commit would be fine !

So in this example, stage the hunks, open the commit dialog, select the squash option, selection commit B, validate.


Log, Files view: add information about the number of changed rows

Helena Kholkina 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 0

Image 236


Branches view: have one tree level for exactly one path-segment

Evgeny Smirnov 6 years ago updated by Oleg Sheydvasser 4 years ago 2

Currently branches and tags are combined if they differ by the last part (after the last '/') only. Instead it would be better to group them on multiple levels, for each path segment.


New Journal and Log: add "Full Name" width limit for Log (via low-level properties)

Sync 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 2

I have team mates with very long names, and I wish to use "Show Full Author" in the Log Window because I have team mates with similar initials.  The super long names are taking up too much width.

Please add property to limit the number of characters in the name field, after which an ellipsis will be used to truncate the name.


Maintain state of Stash reveal arrow in Branches pane

griscom 6 years ago updated by W. Gauch 6 years ago 1

I like to see the list of stashes awaiting my attention, so I always keep the "reveal" triangle open on the "Stash" list in the "Branches" pane. However, SmartGit keeps closing it for me.

- If I close and reopen the application, the list always reappears closed.

- If I delete the last stash (the "Stash" list disappears, which is fine), and then add a new Stash, the list again reappears closed

It would be nice if SmartGit remembered my preference and kept the Stash list at its previous state.


New Log and Journal: support log column headings (as in version 17.1)

colinw 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 0

Image 222


Add an option to switch back to compare algorithm of version 17

Jason Chen 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

I notice that `Reworked Compare` is a new feature of version 18. It compares code block by block rather than line by line. It looks cleaner than version 17.

However, the granularity of difference is much coarser than version 17. It lose the flexibility of editing code.

For example, the following picture is screen shot of version 18. I can only `stage` lines 5 to 7 or `discard` them all together.

Image 219

The following picture is screen shot of version 17. I can `discard` line 5 and 7 while `stage` line 6 individually just by three clicks. It is very convenient and flexible. I always think it is a best feature of `SmartGit` diff editor.

If I want to do the same thing in version 18 I must delete line 5 and 7 in my own editor and then `stage` line 6 in the `SmartGit`. It is very boring and inconvenient!

Image 220

I think it is easy to add an option to switch compare algorithm back to version 17. For example, add  button at the up-right corner of the compare pane. The default compare algorithm is version 18. If the button is clicked the compare algorithm is switched back to version 17. 

You can use the following sample code to check the algorithm difference between version 18 and version 17:


Log: Rebase by drag and drop between Branches and Commits panels

MATSUDA Takashi 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 4 years ago 8

On the 'Commits' panel, you can rebase by dragging and dropping branches.

But if the branch you want to rebase and the target commit are far
apart, drag & drop becomes hard and you have to check out once.

So how about dropping branch tags in the 'Commits' panel on the branch of
the 'Branches' panel, or conversely allowing branches on the 'Branches'
panel to be dropped onto the commit of the 'Commits' panel?


New Journal and Log view: Set column widths and horizontal scroll

Mike 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

Restore the ability to set the column widths, even wider than than the pane, and horizontally scroll to see the columns that doesn't fit in the pane width for both the Journal pane and the Commits pane.

What exactly is the advantage of making the display area wider than the visible area? It means having parts of the information invisible.

  • It means I can set it so I see just a small part of a column (like just the month/day of the date (the year the time and the AM/PM are very much noise I rarely care to see), much more important to see more of another column like the message. Maybe I'd rather see half of the full name than just the compact name (initials).
  • It means that the pieces of information I'm usually interested are there and all I need to do is shift the horizontal scroll to see them when I want to know more about a particular commit, ie I can simply scroll back and forth with my eye still on the line of interest, not have to go take my eyes off the commit I'm interested in, find the menu to display another column, select that column or columns, find the line again, then do it all over to remove those columns.
  • Lastly, and this is related to the 1st reason, my Journal pane doesn't have enough room to display all of commit message summary. If I can change the width of the commit column, I can then read more of a particular commit message and then immediately make the column smaller. Or I could just leave it wide enough and horizontally scroll to read more when I want to.

The point is this is one of the things that make viewing a git repository via a GUI more useful than just using the command line, the ease with which you can view more information about commits together so you get a holistic view and understanding.