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Log, Commits view: optionally only show refs selected in Branches view

Thomas Singer 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Currently, all refs pointing at the displayed commits are shown. This seems to confuse some users.


Use hosting provider credentials for repositories

Andreas Schneider 7 years ago updated by Richard Rance 7 years ago 1

When using for example BitBucket, I can store the credentials in SmartGit. However I need to provide the password again whenever I clone/pull/push from any of the repositories.

If I store the credentials, they get stored for each repository individually, which implies, that if I change my BitBucket password, I have to invalidate _all_ the stored credentials and enter them again several times (at least once per repository).

It would be a lot better if I could simply change the password in one location (preferably the "Hosting Provider" settings) instead of over and over for all the repositories.


Support external editor as the index editor

Stefan 7 years ago updated by Andrew Pashkin 6 years ago 4

I would like to use my external 3-way merge tool (e.g. Beyond Compare) instead of built in index editor, when invoking the index editor.

(i.e. I will not create a merge output file, but edit the 3 files side by side).


multiple staging areas

asoki 7 years ago updated by Marcos Bento 7 years ago 1

it would be useful sometimes to have multiple staging areas

for example:

  • select/create one in the index editor
  • select one (or more) to commit

see the stackoverflow post with a possible solution using the GIT_INDEX_FILE environment variable


Automatic override of files marked with 'Skip Worktree' during Pull

pancomputationalist 7 years ago 0

I have several files in my repository which are modified automatically by a background process. I do not want to commit these changes, so I mark the files with 'Skip Worktree'. However, another git user does (and should) commit these files, so I sometimes have to merge them into my local branch.

When I do this, git warns me that "Your local changes to the following files would be overridden by checkout". So I have to remove "Skip Worktree", discard the changes, checkout, then toggle "Skip Worktree" again.

It would be great if there was some configuration that automatically discards my local changes to these files before a checkout (better yet: only if they are changed upstream).

By the way, SmartGit is absolutely fantastic. Best Git GUI I've used so far.


Files Tab: Allow selection by dragging

Sync 7 years ago 0

In the [Files] tab, please allow multiple files to be selected by dragging (as if drawing a box).

This is the norm in table views, and QBitTorrent is one good example. Windows Explorer's list view is another example, although this one will include rendering of the drag box, which is not necessary for SmartGit.

The current workaround is to use Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click to select multiple files, which is a two-handed action.


default local folder when adding new clone to a group

Philip Miller 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

When cloning a new repository, it is automatically added to the currently selected group. (Thanks, to topic 74). I would like for each group to have a default local folder so that is used as the initial guess when cloning a new repository


"Query > Show Changes With >" Tool Sub-menu

Bryce Schober 7 years ago 0

I have an external diff viewer that I usually prefer, so it's places first in the list of diff utilities, but sometimes, it's not actually the best tool for the job, and I'd like to use the internal file comparison viewer. It would be awesome if the Query menu could have a "Show Changes With >" Sub-menu that let you select from any tool in the configured list of Diff Tools.

The same goes for the conflict solvers. It would be awesome to have a "Query > Solve Conflicts With >" Sub-menu. In different use cases, one tool can be better than the other, and I'd love to have the option to easily use any of the configured tools without changing the tool orders in the preferences every time.

I'm not asking for this to be available in the right-click menus, because it would clutter too much, but I think the Query menu would handle the addition just fine.


Gerrit: Generate Change-Id automatically in commit message

david michonneau 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 0

When pushing to gerrit, a change-id is required in the commit message. This can be automated by registering a hook, but it's a manual operation that has to be done for each new repository. It would be great that SmartGit adds a checkbox to generate a Change-ID automatically, like the Eclipse eGit plugin does. Even better, if SmartGit could be smart and catch the "Missing Change-id" message and propose to generate one, or register the hook in one click.


Warn during Cleanup when "expire reflogs" is enabled and user has one or more stashes

Christopher Kline 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 2

When using the Local | Clean Up dialog, there's an option to 'reset (expire) reflogs now'. If this option is selected, any stashes may be deleted.

As I found out to my detriment (I lost several weeks of work), this is normal git behavior. But my assumption when using any revision control GUI is that any operation that can destroy data will at least be guarded by a confirmation dialog.

As a suggestion, please consider a warning dialog in this case, to protect people from unwittingly losing their stashes.