Your comments

Is the repository public, so we can give it a try ourselves? If not, can you please compose a small test repository for which the problem reproduces and send us to

With 22.1 build 19169 the LFS glyph should be present now for untracked files (information derived from "lfs" filters of your .gitattributes, as always).

Please request another topic to optionally show an additional column for the LFS state.

This is the expected behavior in 22.1: there is currently no LFS icon yet for untracked files. For one of the next builds, we will add the "LFS" icon for untracked files, too.

Is this about GitHub/GitLab/Azure/Bitbucket? When creating the pull requests from the web-frontend, will the proper branch be selected there? I'm asking to figure out, if there may be some server-side information which could be used by SmartGit.

This feature is only supported since 22.1.

Can you please provide some small test repository for which the problem is reproducible? Please send to

It's working fine for me. Is Git-LFS properly configured? Can you please provide some small test repository for which the problem is reproducible? Please send to