Your comments

Please send the repositories.xml to me ( and let me know the new repository location. Maybe there still is some bug.

You surely know that you can drag and drop the views. The default layout in 18.2 also has changed.

We remove the default accelerators F8-F10 in 18.2 preview 8. We intentionally added no 3rd state because we think it rather an option to work either in the mixed mode or in the working-tree vs. index mode.

What exactly stopped working - the duplicate name or this feature? In SmartGit 18.2 preview 7 we have introduced a new feature that should add repositories to the "best matching" group (AKA this one which contains other repositories of this directory).

I'm not experienced with FreeBSD, so please ignore my ignorance - what changes would be needed to the normal Linux bundle?

what is the directory name of the newly added repository?

Hi Scott, I'm unsure how this could help SmartGit. We already are using a file watcher since ages, but SmartGit does not simply invoke "git status".

SmartGit 18.2 preview provides support for nested groups.

Build 18.2 preview #13110 should support it.