Your comments

Please give the latest 18.1 preview a try with Ctrl+F1 and Ctrl+Shift+F1 shortcuts.

In the preferences, page "Commands", "Commit" section select the checkbox "Preselect 'Staged' if files are staged, even if a file without staged changes is selected".

What of

I'll let you know once there is something to test.

was misunderstanding? Could you imagine that we are working on other things already?

How do you think horizontal scrolling synchronizing should be properly implemented? Please note that
- multiple lines are shown and
- each line pair can have different lengths.

Just curious: how you would do that without SmartGit?

Compare Before and Compare After depends on what compare you want to trigger - think about some reverted code or a commit from a different branch.

So I understand that you don't care about being able to edit the local path.

Currently, this opens a dialog where you can select the file to compare with (the file might have been moved or renamed in the mean-time). Should we really open this dialog for each selected file?

We've added a tiny blue information icon in the top right corner of the commit dialog. Please move the mouse over it.