Your comments

You may try following in SmartGit:

  • show files recursively
  • remove all tracked files but keep them physically available
  • commit them
  • add all "untracked" files
  • amend-commit them

Now the latest commit should only contain files that were considered ignored. Alternatively, you may create a tiny script that invokes your above mentioned commands and add that to the Tools section in the preferences.

You already can share tools.xml.

Here comes a first glimpse of the new coloring mode. We plan to release a preview build the next week.

Ctrl+click is a bad choice because it is used in a tree-control like the Branches view to toggle selection. I know that in some text editors it is used to open links, but a text editor is something different than a tree control.

Please try the context menu of the "Commits" view, not the "Files" view.

Does Eclipse documentation automatically occurs like a tooltip or is it triggered by a shortcut as in IDEA?

Please note that some commit messages in some repositories are indeed whole documents. Having a tooltip cover the whole screen seems not useful for me.