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Syntax Highlighting: support for CMake files

Christian Strahl 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 1

please add syntax highlighting for CMake files


Add an option to leave a conflicted file unstaged after conflict resolution

Ludovic 8 years ago 0

Image 135

Currently the dialog offers two choices after the resolution is done:

- Stage: Mark the conflict as resolved and stage the file

- Cancel: Revert the file into conflicted state.

It would be nice to have a third option that will allow the user to mark the conflict as resolved and the file unstaged. I believe the Git command in this case is simply "git reset HEAD <file>".


"Branch Coloring" should gray out the text as well

Sync 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 8 years ago 2

In "Branch Coloring" mode, the log line of the branch is in bold black, while other branches are in soft gray.  To make it easier for the eye to scan through, the commit text of the other branches should be grayed as well.

However, grayed text is already taken up by merge-commits, so the change of behavior may be confusing for existing users.  But in my opinion, graying out a merge-commit doesn't mean much, and I would rather have the grayed behavior taken up by this RFE.


Clone: first clone just the HEAD and then fetch the other commits in background

xuedi beijing 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 3

Would be nice to have a option to clone a new repository 'light' (git clone --depth=1).

Even better an additional option 'fast start' after depth=1 clone, smartgit can fill up the history slowly in the background, while people can work on the code already


Allow to remember or configure selected option during Git-Flow finish

George Bessonov 8 years ago updated by hellbrick 8 years ago 1

It would be very useful to configure default option for feature finishing with git flow.

Configuration may implicit (e.g. in configuration file) or explicit (e.g. remember the last option used.


Command line parameter to just temporarily opening a git repo

Xiangfei Jia 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 0

Quite often, I just want to view a git repo quickly and without saving it to the list of the repos in smartgit. It will be a lot efficient for my workflow to be able to just start smartgit from the command line and start browsing the git repo (and then forget about the repo).


Journal: GUI option to increase display of commits per category (ahead, behind, common) [SG-10230]

Marc Strapetz 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

Note that this can already be done using system properties:


Save open repositories without closing the application

Faber Vergara 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 3

In Ubuntu it is necessary to close the application so that the open repositories are kept in the sidebar


Handle invalid special characters for Windows

cmprescott 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 1

If you pull from a repo containing a file such as Invalid<"file">.xml then SmartGit on Windows throws error messages about not being able to stash, merge, etc. The only route forward issuing gitbash to resolve before you can resume using SmartGit.