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Take the time to describe your request as precisely as possible, so users will understand what you want. Please note that we appreciate your time and input, but we don't give any guarantees that a certain feature will be implemented. Usually, a minimum requirement is a sufficient number of votes. Hence, please don't comment like "when will this be implemented", but vote instead.

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Thank you for your help!


Refresh: recognize Rename (as "git status" does), instead of showing Missing and Untracked now [SG-2361]

Victor Sorokovikov 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 4

Allow me rename file like git mv command. It may be context menu or auto recognition of file changes.

Missing Git feature

Import/Export SmartGit settings

iglvzx 8 years ago updated by Chris Kline 4 years ago 3

I would love the ability to export my SmartGit settings into a single config file so then I can easily & quickly import my settings later when reinstalling or installing on a new system.

I am aware you can sync/copy settings from one SmartGit installation to another by copying over the various .XML files in the SmartGit settings folder, but this can be messy and cause problems if not done correctly.


Changes view: optionally wrap lines

Robert Hannah 8 years ago updated by Dmitriy Kuminov 2 months ago 14

To avoid horizontal scrolling

Changes view

GUI for Git lfs

smartgit 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 12

Git lfs is a great, additional feature when using Git for situations, where blobs need to versioned, too. I would love to see a nice GUI integration of Git "large file storage".


Show all modified line endings in diff viewers

ubruhin 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 13

Until now, modified EOLs are nearly not visible in SmartGit. There's only a label which shows for example "EOL: Unix vx. Windows", but it's very easy to overlook it because the diff itself shows no changes.

In addition, if a file has different EOLs, SmartGit just says "EOL: Mixed" but does not show which line has which line ending. And staging/discarding them line by line is also not possible.

In my opinion, differences in EOLs should be visible in diff viewers with some kind of symbol on each line, like "git diff" does. So the user can see which line has which line ending, and can even fix them by staging or discarding line by line, just like all other changes.

This feature may be useless on Windows with "core.autocrlf=true", but on other operating systems or with "core.autocrlf=false" this would be extremely helpful because one can see and fix introduced EOL changes.


Log: show index/working tree (as "virtual" commits on top of HEAD) [SG-11650]

Marc Strapetz 8 years ago updated by Pierre Goiffon 6 years ago 10
Missing Git feature

Allow to collapse unchanged blocks of code in diff view

Krzysztof Kot 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 23

Tool that I'm currently using allow this and it saves me a lot of scrolling so for me it would be nice feature.

Image 20


Prune merged local branches (e.g when fetching)

Theodoros Antoniou 8 years ago updated by Jsou Tiv 4 years ago 17

When fetching from a remote, allow the choice to prune (delete) any local branches, which are tracking a remote branch that has been merged.

This is quite a common task, especially if you work in a team that uses a lot of feature branches and Pull Requests. Stackoverflow related question

P.s: This is a feature available in SourceTree.


Add the ability to successively apply the conflict solver

Chris Jaquet 8 years ago updated by Patrick van Logchem 8 months ago 4

It often happens during a merge that a number of files in a repository will have conflicts. It is already possible to apply the conflict solver to individual files, but I would like to propose the following workflow:

During a merge when multiple files are conflicted:

  1. Select all the conflicted files.
  2. Choose to activate the Conflict Solver.
  3. For each file in the select list open the conflict solver (as is done for a single file)
  4. User solves conflicts (or decides to cancel), thus terminating the conflict solver for that file.
  5. SmartGit shows a dialogue with the following options "Stage file", "Skip file", "Cancel".
  6. "Stage file" will stage the file and SmartGit will automatically open the conflict solver for the next file in the selected list.
  7. "Skip file" will not stage the file, or mark it as resolved, etc, but will move automatically to the next file in the list, opening the conflict solver for the next file.
  8. "Cancel" will stop the process completely. Files already staged will remain staged.

This will, in my opinion, make merging multiple conflicted files much easier. There could also be a button on the ToolBar which starts the conflict solver for all conflicted files in the current repo, without the user having to select them all.

Improve Git commands Conflict Solver