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Log, Changes view: show at least submodule SHA for uninitialized submodules
I'm doing development with a repository that has enormous submodules (e.g. linux, buildroot). In one of my environments (OS X, where I can't build but can easily view and edit) I haven't initialized the repositories, as it would suck down lots of bandwidth and disk space for no gain.
Unfortunately, when I look through the history, I can see that the submodules change, but there's no information as to what the changes are (the "Changes" panel just says "Submodule repository XXXX not found". Of course, the parent repository just changed the target commit in the submodule, and without the submodule present I couldn't see the files that change. However, it would be useful to know the commit SHA so I could look elsewhere and see just what changed.
So, request: when viewing a log for a repository with uninitialized submodules, the log should show the change in the commit SHA (even if the full information of the commit can't be seen).
Pull Request: Add AutoComplete for reviewers
AutoComplete similar as code editors do it, after entering one or two letters, would ease this process a lot.
Adding reviewer(s) to a Pull Request is error prone, as the entered name(s) must match the server login name exactly, including case.
Optionally the search should match any part of the login name, not only from the beginning, as some login names follow strange rules how they are derived from the real name.
System tray: show a notification when a git operation that took more than a few seconds ends
Often, when I do Sync, it takes a few minutes in which I can't do other actions in SmartGit and cannot logoff as I want the action to finish. So, I switch to reading mail or surfing the web until it finishes. But then I need to constantly switch to SmartGit to check if the action has finished.
It would be nice if SmartGit could raise a system tray notification once a lengthy operation has finished. Each operation that takes more than 5 seconds (this can be configurable) would show a notification when it ends. The notification should also indicate the action's status, so for instance, if it is green, I know I can safely logoff, knowing my changes are pushed.
When dragging a commit, provide better visual feedback?
When dragging a branch tag, SmartGit shows the tag moving along with the cursor, which is great feedback as to what is happening. When dragging a commit, though, just a small, dotted rectangle is dragged, which makes it hard to know what's happening. Even worse, if the commit isn't selected before the drag begins, then the dragged commit isn't selected during the drag, so you actually could be dragging something completely different than you think (tested on OS X 10.10.5).
- When the user starts dragging a commit, select the commit before starting the drag
- Provide better visual feedback on the item being dragged
The visual feedback could be done in a number of ways, including
- Show a rectangle that matches the visual size of the commit (the height of one commit and the width of the "Commits" pane)
- Show the message of the commit being dragged
Add search/filter text box to low level properties
When I'm looking if a property exists to configure a feature, it's a long list to scroll through for key words. Filtering the list would be very helpful.
New Journal and Log view: Independent Journal and Log column configuration [SG-11850]
Setting the column configuration for the Journal pane should not affect the Log pane, and vice-versa, each should have their own settings.
The desired set of columns and how the values in that column are displayed (e.g. compact vs full name) are different for the Journal pane than for the Commit pane.
For example:
My Journal pane is narrow, sharing the window with with 2 other panes that I like to see next to it, so visible space is limited. On the Journal, the most important column is the message, but I'd also like to see the date and the author (but showing the compact author is fine) in order to give more space for the message. If I can't horizontally scroll, I may decide I don't want the date displayed so I can see more of the message.
My Log pane is much wider with only one pane next to it horizontally because I want to see much more. The message is still the most important column, but I also want to see the full author name and the date.
Changes view: add HEAD vs Working Tree view
Currently two changes views are available:
- HEAD vs Index
- Index vs Working Tree
I propose to add the third one: "HEAD vs Working Tree", which would ignore Index and show diff between the current state of the working directory and the latest commit.
Ability to change appearance of [Output] tab
1. Allow "word-wrap" feature in this tab so that we don't have to scroll horizontally. It looks like this tab is implemented as a list or something, so hopefully the contents of the list can be word-wrapped.
2. Allow separate font size for [Output], just like in Visual Studio. [Output] tend to be verbose, so it would be nice to see more of the data in a glance.
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