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Log: follow file copy

Arno Baumfalk 7 years ago updated by Alexander Miloslavskiy 7 years ago 1

While refactoring some code, I often have to split up large files into smaller ones. This results in loosing the history of all code which is relocated from the original file.

As a countermeasure I found this workaround for git:

- first duplicate the original file (copy it using a new filename and/or location)

- commit this duplication without any changes (this is a commit which might not build properly)

- remove the duplicate code from both files

- commit changes (this commit should work fine)

On the commandline, using "git log --follow" it is now possible to track all changes of the new file across the duplication step. With smartgit this does not work; smartgit seems to follow renamed files only.

I would like to propose a (maybe optional) follow-copy-strategy in the log view - from my point of view only exact copies need to be detected, which should keep the cost at minimum.


Journal: show branch labels for all of the branches included in the current branch

George Bessonov 7 years ago 0

E.g. if any branch heads to any commit included in the branch currently checked out, show it's label instead of showing just the branch currently checked out local and remote labels.


When starting a GitFlow Bug it should automatically stash/unstash instead of immediately failing

Scott Richmond 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

It is extremely common that one starts a feature or bug prior to actually starting the GitFlow process. This means there are often unstaged changes before starting a GitFlow bug/feature. When you do this, it will fail as there are uncommitted changes when it needs to change branch/make a branch/etc.

Unfortunately SmartGit isn't automatically stashing/unstashing in response to this. Which makes using GitFlwo very frustrating.

It should be no issue to stash all changes, perform the GitFlow process, then unstash.


Better detection for gerrit repositories

Adrien Béraud 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 3

I use Gerrit with Smartgit for many repos but Gerrit was never detected by Smartgit despite claimed support.

Documentation says:

SmartGit will detect a remote as being connected to Gerrit, if:

  • .git/hooks/commit-msg exists; and
  • there is only one remote overall or it's the only remote connecting to port 29418 (default Gerrit SSH port)

The second condition is clearly too restrictive. Repos I work with use port 29420 so I'm doomed to never see them detected with current detection method.


Abililty to have GitFlow icon in the log window

Pierre Goiffon 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 2

For now the GitFlow button can't be added in the log window toolbar... I miss it lots of time when preparing / finishing a release !


Add "Expand/Collapse All" feature in Branches Tab

Sync 7 years ago 0

Add the ability to expand or collapse everything in the Branches Tab. This will recursively go through every branch and tag, and expand (or collapse) those that are grouped together.


Submodule options should be available in right-click menu

Bryce Schober 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

It seems to me that the submodule options found in the Remote > Submodule menu should also be available when right-clicking on the root of a specific submodule.


Git-Flow Finish Feature: support mixture of rebase and merge

George Bessonov 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 5

Possibility to show the "Log" from left to right

werbemist 7 years ago updated by Alexander Zhezherun 7 years ago 15

Reduced branch graph, more compact/less information as the current Log. See the images for example here:


Make keyboard shortcuts available for all the different windows

Iulian Onofrei 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 4 years ago 1

If you set a keyboard shortcut for, say, "Next Change", in the "Index Editor" window will not work. The "Customize..." menu also points to this behavior by printing "Changes | Next Change" instead of simply "Next Change"