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Log: Add "Reveal in Branches Tab" (opposite of "Reveal Commit")

Sync 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 3

Log Graph:  When right-clicking on a green branch or yellow tag, add an option to "Reveal in Branches Tab" so that I can easily uncheck it if I want to.

Currently, if I want to removehide a branch from the log, I would need to do a manual search in the Branches Tab, then uncheck that branch.  This is a time waster if the repo contains lots of branches.


import repositories creating groups based on directory v2

Kamil Kiewisz 6 years ago 0

this is a followup to and my email conversations 

first userecho implemented auto creation of groups on initial import only

in 18.02 preview phase was extended to auto adding projects from this same directory to existing group 

whats is missing for me is auto creation of groups using `Search for Repositories...` entry in `Repositories` menu

cd c:\

mkdir new

cd new 

mkdir project1

cd project1

git init


`Repositories | Search for Repositories...` should create new group named `c:\new` and 1 repository inside `project1`

this was briefly implemented in build #131105 (with naming bug) and removed in #13120


Log Graph: Files view is missing "last changed on" column

andreas 6 years ago updated by helt 5 years ago 9

SmartGit 18.2 has the new Log Graph mode. If I start SmartGit in the Log Graph mode, the Files view is missing the "last changed on" column that is available in the Working Tree mode. Without that I cannot order working tree files by modification date.


Support GitHub PR Templates

Bryce Schober 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

SmartGit doesn't support the GitHub PR templates, which would help improve the usability of the GitHub integration for organizations enforcing those kinds of standards, which includes a whole bunch of open-source projects.


Please make a SmartGit package for FreeBSD platform

Mr Dandy 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

this is a fairly popular OS, although not such a large user base


Native Windows 10 built-in ssh & ssh-agent Authorisation

Richard Bushell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Windows 10 (Spring 2018 update) now directly provides its own built-in implementation of openssh. And it provides its own ssh-agent as a Windows Service for storing PassPhrases. There is no need for PuTTY and/or Pageant ever again!

Please support this asap in the SmartGit application!


Log graph: preview commits pointed by arrows in Log window

Mikhail Matrosov 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 0

When history is complicated and there a lot of branch paths drawn in the Log window, some paths are split with arrows. It allows to save space, but when you click on such an arrow, you have no idea where you have landed. Besides, if several arrows are pointing from a particular commit, and you are interested only in a particular one, you have to click on all of them in order to find out the necessary one. And BTW there is no easy way to "go back" in the Log window. It would be nice to see some preview information about a commit I am about to go to, when hovering an arrow. And it would be nice to have an ability to "go back".


Conflict Solver (or Index Editor): reuse existing window instead of opening new one

Thomas Singer 6 years ago updated by Alexander Miloslavskiy 6 years ago 1

Having a Conflict Solver open for a.txt, invoking the Conflict Solver a second time for a.txt should switch to the existing Conflict Solver window instead of opening a new one.


Conflict Solver: ask if HEAD commit has changed

Thomas Singer 6 years ago updated by Alexander Miloslavskiy 6 years ago 1

If having Conflict Solver windows open for a rebasing/merging/cherry-picking state, ask to close them when leaving this state.


Folder sync: Keep track of all repos in a folder

Duncan Calvert 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

It would be nice to select a folder and have SmartGit automatically add/remove repositories to match their existence in that directory. Cloning and deletion of repositories often happen outside of SmartGit.

SmartGit is useful for a quick visualization of status of your workspace, but if you forget to register a repo with SmartGit, you could potentially overlook any upstream or local changes.