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Add option to automatically apply stash after saving it

Christopher Kline 7 years ago updated by Alexander Miloslavskiy 7 years ago 3

I often use stashes to save a "snapshot" of my current state before I begin further changes, in case I need to back out or compare to a previous known state.

Currently I have to save a stash, and then manually apply the stash. I would love the ability to have SmartGit automatically apply the stash immediately after saving it. 

For this purpose I would recommend a new button, "Save and Re-Apply", in the existing stash dialog. I think a button rather than a checkbox would be a better option because that way I can choose at the time of stashing whether I want to reapply or not (rather than changing a checkbox value, because then it would become the new default)


Enable filename completion with Ctrl+Space in Message field in Save Stash dialog

Shmulik Flint 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 1

Ctrl+Space is very useful in Commit dialog when you want to put a file name in the commit message. It should also be added in Save Stash dialog, especially now in 17.1, where you can stash specific files.


Github integration enterprise instance configuration should support independent proxy configuration

Kelsie 7 years ago updated by Derrick Southerland 6 years ago 7

Currently, the Github integration for enterprise instances in SmartGit uses the same proxy settings as the main application proxy settings. However, there is a fundamental difference that should be allowed for- an enterprise instance probably is not being connected to via the internet, and thus the proxy settings of the main application prevent connectivity to the enterprise github. In my particular case, the enterprise github actually does require a proxy, but not the same proxy as an internet connection.


import repositories creating groups based on directory

Kamil Kiewisz 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 14

dirs like


- work1

  - proj1

  - proj12

- work2

  - proj1

- github

  - ...

- demo

- ...

on import to smart git should create corresponding groups in repositories view 


Changes view/Compare/Index Editor/Conflict Solver: view current change index

Iulian Onofrei 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

It would be nice if you could view the index of the currently highlighted change along the previous and next change buttons like "23/56".


Set Tracked Branch (and other places?): Filter by ref namespace

Michael Corcoran 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

If I configure an upstream like Github, and tell git to fetch refs from e.g. refs/remotes/pr/*, which allows me to work with PRs easily, the "Set Tracked Branch" dialog combobox becomes basically unusable due to too many refs. Please make it filterable by ref namespace or at least give the option of typing it in manually.

Image 142


Syntax Highlighting: support for Swift

rcomtois 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 months ago 3

Please add support for Swift syntax highlighting.


GitFlow: optional major.minor.patch release formats

Lance Cleveland 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

GitFlow currently can't be set to default to major.minor.patch release formats.

Every time I start a new release it auto-bumps minor despite the most
recent release branch being in major.minor.patch format (i.e. 4.7.11 ,
start release creates 4.8 not 4.7.12).

My understanding is that some other GitFlow products support the 3-level release format and fall back to major.minor.

Does anyone know if the system level gitflow for MacOS supports the 3-level release format?


Support Hunspell dictionary files

Thomas Singer 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Not just MySpell dictionaries.


show all tags for a certain branch

UserXYZ 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

Just like for branches, need to see what tags exist for a certain branch, so you can add a new one before/after some changes in that branch.