Your comments

Currently, you have the search-as-you-type feature - as nearly everywhere in SmartGit table and tree controls.

SmartGit 18.2 preview 1 will contain this improvement.

Is there no low-level property "ui.systemtray.enabled" available on SmartGit 18.1 on Linux?

Please give the latest intermediate build 12114 a try (Help | Check for Latest Build) and set the low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible to false.

Perfect. I thought, the full version would include to allow creating/using a .gitignore file in every parent directory up to the root.

> On mouse scroll I guess you need to identify which side to scroll.

No, the control under the cursor gets the scroll event.

Have you already tried scrolling with the cursor over the connector between the left and right file?

This is default behavior for popup menus and can't be changed. Maybe it helps to set the system property log.dragAndDrop.compact to false in the preferences to get back the old dialog.