Your comments

The color can be changed with the line


- at least in 17.1 preview.

When starting the interactive rebase from the Journal, the log should remain operational.

The reason is simple: the normal Journal just rejects the operation if there is a conflict.

It is also possible to open the log before starting the interactive rebase.

This is no general interactive rebase problem but one with your particular repository - most likely you have committed line separator changes unintentionally. Again, userecho is NO support forum.

What do you mean with "it doesn't work the same way as the Journal"?

What do you mean? How is the Index Editor related to the Interactive Rebase? Please note, that this is NO support forum here.

A first implementation of the (optional) compact presentation looks like this:

It means:

  • no syntax coloring
  • no ability to apply changes in the repository's Changes view

SmartGit should not be a bad editor and support/write mixed line separators. If mixed line separators were detected, it will reject editing.

The devil is in the detail, e.g.: what line separator to enter when the user presses <enter>, especially if the file is empty. How to handle text copy-pasted from some other source?