Your comments

Well, the problem in general is unrelated to GitHub Enterprise, but can occur for any in-house repository with proxy access to the internet. Just curious: can't the proxy be configured to also access the intranet servers?

Have you already tried to define an external tool?

SmartGit finds a certain amount of directories that are detected as repositories. What algorithm do you suggest for naming and grouping the repositories - please consider that only one group level is supported and other users might have different structures. Thanks in advance.

The compact view option only is available for read-only Changes views. The File Compare is designed to be freely editable.

In your case I recommend to use a tool that simply fixes all line separators. This is, IMHO, not the task of a version control client.

The 17.1 preview intermediate build 11081 (Help | Check for Latest Build) let's you play with that feature. You can active it from the Changes menu, the option is named "Compact Changes Display".

Just click the Amend checkbox 1 or 2 times.

The color can be changed with the line


- at least in 17.1 preview.

When starting the interactive rebase from the Journal, the log should remain operational.

The reason is simple: the normal Journal just rejects the operation if there is a conflict.