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Dont make reset to hard reset
Why oh why did you make the Reset command now become a hard reset? I never do a hard reset always a mixed one, and because of your changes, I have now lost a whole day's worth of work. The default reset should most definitely be the safer option of mixed so that you still have your changes
Log, Branches: allow to select two refs in Branches view and immediate reveal both of them (easier diff between two tags)
A (very small) improvement for the tag-diffs:It would be great to do the following:
- Select 2 (or more) Tags
- Reveal (from context menu)
- expected:
- Selected 2 (or more) commits are revealed
- diffs are shown in case 2 commit are revealed
This would be the perfect UI for me to diff tags, especially if commits are far away from each other.
File Filter: support word-part search
Currently, one can filter the Files view by, e.g., "*.txt, *.php". What about searching for file name parts, e.g. "file man" to find
Open a version of a file from a commit without saving it first
When viewing a commit, it would be nice to be able to either:
a) right click on the file in the Files tab and select "View Before" or "View Before", or
b) select "View" from the appropriate Changes window down the bottom of the screen
and it would save the file to the %TEMP% folder and open my editor for it.
At the moment my options are either copy the text from the Changes window and paste to my editor (but since the new unsaved file doesn't have an extension, it doesn't get syntax highlighting), or save the file somewhere and then open it in my editor.
I just want to view the file - not revert it, and I don't care where it gets saved.
Compare/Changes View: Mark current difference on both sides
Currenly the number of current different line is marked (yellow) only on one (focused) side of Changes window. If user is looking into the code in other side, (s)he will hardly see this mark.
It would be handsome if current line's number was somehow marked on the non-focused side too, f.e. with gray.
Commit: option to customize limits of "line length guides"
In many projects there are guidelines regarding how long lines in commit messages can be. In Linux, for instance, the first line can't be longer than 50 characters. Currently to ensure that I don't break the formatting rule I have to use a dedicated editor with sole purpose of measuring line width and then copy-pasting it to SmartGit "Commit" window. My proposal is to add indicator of current line width into the "Commit" window in SmartGit.
Branches view: show commits ahead / behind master for every branch
I like to see at a glance the state of the branches. It helps the overview of what branch contains/misses relevant commits.
Best would be if it the 'master' branch could be configured to see e.g. "commits ahead / behind develop".
Github and Gitlab both have it in their web interface - can it also be added to smartgit?
Provide drag-and-drop functionality for index and working tree virtual commits (Log as main window)
See also:
Allow to drag-and-drop index or working tree virtual commits so
- if dropped on any other commit
- if working tree is dragged and other commit is index, working tree gets staged
- if index is dragged and other commit is working tree, index gets unstaged
- for all of the other cases dragged commit gets squashed into other commit
- if dropped between commits
- 1. commit window appears
- 2. when commit/commit & push pressed, appropriate commit gets created from dragged one
- 3. if working tree/index is present after commit creation, it gets stashed
- 4. new commit gets reordered via interactive rebase (this way commit doesn't get lost if reordering produces any conflicts)
- 5. after interactive rebase is over
- 5.1 apply and drop stash (stage it if the index was stashed) if step 3 was executed
- 5.2 if rebase was aborted, reset temporary commit (--mixed if it was created from working tree, --soft otherwise)
- 5.3 if rebase succeeded and commit&push option was selected, push
Log, Files view: accelerators for toolbar buttons
Like the shortcuts in files view in the main window (Ctrl+1 display unchanged files etc.), I would like similar shortcuts to the toolbar buttons in the Files view in the Log window.
Ignore dialog list users exclude file
I have in my user (global) .gitconfig an excludes file listed.
I would like to add the *.ini in the Ignore dialog to that and not a repository related one.
Wondering if you can read the global excludes file to allow it to be listed.
Customer support service by UserEcho