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Files View: Sort Order Column "Relative Directory"

Mario123 2 years ago 0

To easy working with Merge Requests in Gitlab the order of sorting the column "relative directory" in "Files" View should be configurable. 

Current state as of 22.1.3 shows files in top folder first and iterates to nested folders afterwards. Gitlab web view sorting follows nested directories first and top folders last.


# Example: Current state

# descending
















#Desired state:

#Gitlab Webview sorting:









Just inverting the sort direction (ascending / descending) doesn't work since it would also invert the alphabet of folders


UI for creating and managing commit message templates

kpespisa 2 years ago 0

Where I work we have different message template requirements per repo. Some need titles and messages in a certain format, or including certain keywords, etc. 

My suggestion is to offer a UI-based way to manage the default commit message templates for each repo. The capability is described here, but I'd like to manage the template via the SmartGit UI


Changes view: add option to prefer selecting whole word on double click (don't stop on underscore separator)

Hyper Sonic 2 years ago updated 9 months ago 5

In the code/diff view, I noticed that double click selects only a sub-word, stopping at underscore separator.

I often copy paste class and method names into my commit message from the diff view, so it would be convenient to copy full symbol names such as "_can_start_attack" instead of just a subword, on double-click. For now, I must manually highlight the full word.

For retrocompatibility, an option could be added to preserve the old behaviour (subword select on double-click), or switch to full word highlight.

The option could be placed in the global preferences and/or, for quick access, in the small Hamburger menu of the code/diff view.


improvement when working with branches having many commits

uscholz 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Let the branch window scroll when moving a commit beyond the upper or lower edge of the branch window. That helps with moving commits in branches where source and destination location are not visible at the same time.


Files view: add option to filter out unchanged renamed files

benblo 2 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 0

When refactoring, I may be moving many files around, most of them unchanged (0% diff), but some of them may change, sometimes automatically by the IDE (paths etc).

When reviewing before commit, it'd be very useful to be able to filter out the unchanged ones, to see at a glance what changes were introduced besides pure renames.


macOS: add option to switch all shortcuts to Ctrl+... instead of Cmd+...

Thomas Singer 2 years ago 0

This might help a lot for those who have to use macOS, but primarily on Linux and/or Windows.


Multiple predefined syntax coloring themes

Thomas Singer 2 years ago 0

Have different syntax coloring themes that easily can be switched. One should be the custom one where colors can be changed by the user.


Allow cloning in existing directory without creating new subdirectory

Cyril Duchon-Doris 2 years ago 0

I am using chezmoi to synchronize files between my computers (dotfile manager)

For example, suppose I'm working on ~/dev/my_project and I have a dotenv file that I want to  synchronize (~/dev/project1/.env) to my new laptop

Then on my new laptop, after I recover my dotfiles from my previous computer (which creates the project1 folder with my dotenv file), when I try to clone git://xxx/my_project.git to ~/dev/my_project, it detects the folder already exists, and clones into a new subdirectory ~/dev/my_project/my_project.git/ instead of just cloning inside the existing folder (and optionally asking to erase existing files but the .env file is gitignored in my case).

It then becomes nerve-breaking to fix things up.

Can we add an option to clone into an existing directory + even if it has some files ?


Create a more streamlined way for adding fixup commit messages in the Standard view

Simon Lieschke 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

I have the "log.useCommitMessage.prefix" low-level property configured to "fixup! ".

Currently to use this to make a fixup commit from the Standard view I currently have to hit the History button to switch to the commit graph, select the commit I want to fixup, and then hit the keyboard shortcut for "Use Message for Commit".

It would be great if this was more streamlined and could be done without switching away from my local files. Ideally the message prefix could be inserted when clicking on a commit message in the mini-log displayed below the commit message field.


Threshold for filesize to automatically add with LFS track

Eike 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

It would be nice if adding files that are large would automatically track them with Git LFS. 

A filesize value as threshold would help (i.e. on add if file larger than 1MB -> git lfs track file)