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Analytics info between two commits

张辞武 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Now I can see file diff when chose two commits in log interface

I'd request a feature that shows analytics info about the diff between the commits

For now I think add a right menu item "show diff analytics" and popup a new window would be fine

Infos can be shown:

- count of added files
- count of deleted files
- count of modified files

- count of added lines
- count of deleted lines
- count of modified lines

- every person's contribute between two commits(commit count, modified file count, line count)


Commit: optionally prevent "Commit & Push" a merge commit for certain repositories

Thomas Singer 6 years ago 0

Request by a user:

If in some projects users merge, get conflicts, solve and commit & push without further tests, it might help a little bit if the "Commit & Push" button would not be enabled while trying to commit in the merging/rebasing state. This option should be project based and triggered by a file that can be committed to the repository.


Support Mercurial 4.7

Sergey Shevchenko 6 years ago 0

Please add support for the latest Mercurial version! My org mandates using our own modified Mercurial clone branched off of 4.7, so I can't go to 4.5, which SmartGit 18.1 supports :(


Use Watchman to speed up Git by orders on magnitude

Scott Richmond 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

Newer versions of git support Watchman (, which vastly improves the speed of local Git background operations. Would be awesome if SmartGit dealt with setting it up for repos.

Git support announcement:


Pull with regular intervals

Roland Bengtsson 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

If there is several repos that are dependent of each other it is easy to forget pull to keep all uptodate.

I suggest an option to turn on AutoPull for defined intervals per repository.

This way you can be sure to always have the latest


Filter Files: support for Ctrl + Backspace

Greg 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

"Filter Files" textbox doesn't support a simple, standard shortcut "Ctrl + Backspace" for a whole word deletion. It's a small inconvenience but a bit frustrating.

In other places, like "Find Action" dialog I can see the above shortcut is supported.


One repository in different folders

Helena Kholkina 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

Image 237


SVN integration: support svn global-ignores property

Main Do 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 0

That's very useful for large project


VSCODE-like introduction of new features

Sync 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 1

SmartGit release notes (for each build in Preview) is in the form of a text file.

Visual Studio Code's release notes includes a gif to explain new features.

Can SmartGit do the same, but showcasing new features in the blog?


Branches view: indicator/icon in "local branches" list of which ones don't have a corresponding server branch

Jeff Jensen 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

With a lot of active development and pull requests, branches I checkout/use/leave unattended/etc. can remain.  Having a quick indicator showing which ones do not have a remote branch hint that I can remove them.

It used to be quicker to know which branches don't have a remote but are tracked (remote was deleted) when hovering over a branch name and the tooltip shows "this branch is tracked but no remote branch exists", but 18.2 truncates the message and user must press F1 to see rest of message.