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Thank you for your help!


Change the wording of "1 change" to "1 changed file" or "1 file changed"

Peter Slížik 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

For me, as a programmer, a "change" means a modification of a few related lines in code.

That is, if I have two files, and and I modify lines 10, 15, and 20 in and lines 100, 200, and 300 in, this means I made 6 changes in 2 files. (I believe this implies that the command git add --patch would be used 6 times in total.)

However, the "virtual nodes" in the Commits section of the Log window says 2 changes, which suggests that only two changes have been made. This is quite confusing. Please, change its wording either to 2 changed files or 2 files changed (don't know which one is better, I'm not a native speaker).

Image 339

Thank you,



Ignore specific local changes and Automatically exclude lines at commit

Steven Schermerhorn 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 1

Nearly every developer is in a situation where they have api tokens, secrets, or other specific local configuration that they change on their box but don't want to commit them or push them.

It would be pretty amazing if SmartGit supported a feature where you could set specific line modifications in a file to be ignored and/or excluded during a commit. 


Display erroneous submodule commit ids in changes panel

Colin Richardson 5 years ago 0

Currently when a commit doesn't exist within a submodule, but a parent project is trying to point to it, "Could not determine submodule commit" is displayed. I would like the SHA ID also added to this message.

This will be useful for writing the ID on a lump of wood and repeatedly hitting a co-worker with.

Or most likely tracking down where and why this has appeared in the first place.


conflict solver: show blame

Mario123 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Using the Conflict solver I can browse to the base changes, but I don't see the commits affecting the changes in both trees. That would be a great benefit for solving conflicts.

Thus, adding the git blame window to the line with the change would be good, either as a single line below each file or as the standard blame window.


Add a Message box beside each branch in the Branches panel

Hesamedin Kamalan 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 6

I am working on a big project and therefore, sometimes I have a lot of branches (sometimes their name is close to another) that are in repo and under review. Therefore, unless I checkout to a branch and look at the logs, I don't remember what this branch does/fix/improve.

The Message box helps to attach Jira link (or more information) to the branch. Therefore, I don't need to checkout anymore to get more info about the branch.


GitVersion Intergration

James Menzies 5 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 0

I would really like to be able to see the Semantic Version of the repo. I think that this could be set so that if there is a GitVersion.yml Config in the root of the repo then SmartGit could use it show the semantic version number of the branch.


Make branch name box autocomplete/suggest from dropdown list

b4ndolero 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

Let's say you want to create 'feature-10-alt' branch off 'feature-10' by right-clicking the latter > Add branch...

It would be useful if the branch name autocompleted/suggested the name as I typed from the list of existing branches.


dvc support

Michael 6 years ago 0

Would it be possible to consider integration of this one - at least in the longer run? For many people in the ML community the concept is superior to git LFS and similar approaches (comparison sheet on dvc's web page). 


Push to Gerrit: separate toolbar button

zuber 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 0

I would like to have separate button on the Toolbar to directly Push to Gerrit. Right now I need to push on the arrow in Push button and select Push to Gerrit.


open gerrit links

zuber 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 3

add possibility to open web links to Gerrit after Pushing to Gerrit