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modified file name (preview) in commit graph

norbert pfeiler 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Add a column next to the commit message in the commit graph which displays the list of changes files. 

by default or opt-in


Allow to remove this new message: The working tree is in merging-state.

Bugged 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 5

It is taken my precious vertical space. The behavior old of showing the Abort button on the toolbar was very awesome!

Image 381


Log, Filter: allow to save more than 10 search patterns

Zeblote 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 2

Prtety simple, saving more than 10 search patterns in the log view seems to clear the older ones, I'd like to be able to save more!


Dark scrollbars in dark theme

Helen 5 years ago updated by 김병문 1 month ago 16

The dark theme is nice, but all scrollbars are still light, and so is the window title bar. The scrollbars especially are very eye-catching and distracting. Naturally the lightest and most high-contrast elements stand out most - it's like the scrollbars were the most important thing and in comparison everything else recedes to the background.

For examples of what I think it should look like, try Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider in dark mode.

(On Windows, and yes, I have set Windows to dark mode.)


Log Graph - show text from further lines in gray

PetrN 5 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 1

It would be great if SmartGit would show lines >1st from the commit message with different colors when a user is browsing the log.

Image 341

We use the 1st line as the issue description and then following lines contain additional information.

Would it be possible to implement such coloring so that additional lines would be shows e.g. with gray color?

Thanks for considering.


Show grouped branches first

Derrick Southerland 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 1

In the branches tab, sort all grouped branches to the top of the list.

After every group is listed, then show all "singles" branches which aren't grouped under a root.

If that's not clear, I'm basically asking you to sort the list the way Windows Explorer handles folders/files.

Folders are listed first, and then below that you see the files.

Image 340


SmartSynchronize - Add in-place copy and in-place rename

Peter Slížik 5 years ago in SmartSynchronize updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 3

Please, add the in-place copy and in-place rename features as implemented by e.g. Total Commander and Midnight Commander - the functionality is assigned to Shift+F5 and Shift+F6 shortcuts.

I'm aware that files can be copied and renamed in-place using F5 or F6 keys - but hey, the usage is not that fluent.

And, please, don't invent your own shortcuts if there is a long-term tradition of their assignment. Shift+F5 stays for Create Link in SmartSynchronize - and this is not good, because people may use other commanders (possibly on other systems) at the same time and the muscle memory works (in this case, it works against SmartSynchronize, as it is a new kid on the block). Moreover, the users of "commanders" are quite conservative, I believe - if they were not, they'd be using the more "modern" file managers, e.g. Windows Explorer, Dolphin, Nautilus, etc.

Under review

Do not disable the Changes button when not necessary

Peter Slížik 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 1

1. Log window: Select two commits (click, then ctrl+click).

2. The Changes button in the toolbar (F4) is disabled. (Why? Am I prohibited to make a diff at this moment? This is illogical.)

3. Click anywhere inside of one of the diff widgets. Now the Changes button becomes active. (It should have been active in step 2.)

Note: The button tooltip reads: "Show local changes. F4" I think the word local is superfluous here. We can't show remote changes anyway, any remote data are first downloaded to the local computer by git. Does it mean "Show changes to the working directory?" No, it can be used to show a diff between any two commits. I think "Show changes. F4" or "Show a diff. F4" should be enough.


Log: combine Working Tree and Index items in Graph

Ed Ball 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

I would love to see the new "Working Tree" and "Index" items (optionally?) combined into one item in the Log Graph view (e.g. as "Working Tree, Index"), where Files and Changes would work exactly like the old Working Tree Window, so I never have to switch between the Working Tree and Index items in the Log Graph while examining and manipulating modified and/or staged files.