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Log, Files view: allow to invoke commands on (sub)directories [SG-12394]

Marc Strapetz 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Note: if you are just interested in filtering the Log graph for a specific sub-directory, see topic 879.

As in the working tree window, in the Log it should be possible to invoke commands on directories, too:

  • working tree commands (like staging all files in a directory)
  • external tools (like opening the terminal for a directory)
  • sub-directory logs
  • .... what else do you need?

Please post your ideas on how such an integration should look like!

Note, due to several usability and technical reasons, we won't add directories to the Repositories view.


Log: ability to search inside files of the selected commit (grep)

Thomas Singer 6 years ago updated by Pierre Goiffon 6 years ago 1

Sometimes I'd like to search the (all, not just the modified ones) files of the commit currently selected in the Log window. This may be useful if a method does not existing any more but you know a state where it existed.


Bitbucket(Server): enable "Create pull request" for from the main window.

W. Gauch 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

When I select a branch in the Branches tab, Review > Create Pull Request is still grayed out. But it's available in the same menu in the log window. Please enable "Create pull request" for Bitbucket server from the main window.

I can do everything needed to create and prepare the feature branch for the pull request in the main window, but then for the last step as a feature developer I need to open a different window, look for my feature branch again, and finally open the pull request. This is a disruption
in the workflow.
(Reviewing the pull request (fetch, look at commits, comment, approve ;-), merge) is another workflow, usually by a different person - it's okay that this happens in the log window, as we
need the log for that.)


Output view: use fixed width font in

Derrick Southerland 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

It's easier to read console responses in a fixed width font.

Also, some remotes respond with ascii art that looks terrible in variable width fonts. OK this isn't a major issue, but still...

Image 203


Log and journal: Branch color determined by recognized pattern/keyword in the branch name

Zart Colwing 7 years ago updated by Klaus 5 years ago 1
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to configure branch color based on
recognized keywords/pattern in the branch name.
- 'Develop' and 'Master' will have their color set to the color configured
for the 'Develop' and 'Master' keyword respectively;
- Feature branches would have their color set based on the color configured
for the 'Feature/' pattern;
- Other branch <-> pattern could be configured to fill the user needs;
- Closed/deleted branches would revert back to gray.

Spell-checker: optionally prevent commit with typos

Thomas Singer 7 years ago updated by Shmulik Flint 7 years ago 1

It would be great if SmartGit could be configured so it doesn’t allow to commit until I fix all of the spelling problems in the commit message.

This way, if I have a typo, it will make sure I noticed it. This, of course, should be optional.


Rebase: support autostashing working tree changes

Gxost 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 4 years ago 2

Rebase ("Rebase HEAD to", "Rebase Interactive From") fails because of not stashed changes. It would be great to autostash/unstash files as for Pull-rebase feature.


Push: add --no-verify checkbox so we can skip githooks

Marco Bettiolo 8 years ago 0

Right now you can only skip verify with commits, add this feature to push as well


Allow submodule to be added in new sub-directory

Bryce Schober 8 years ago updated by Hyper Sonic 6 years ago 1

Currently the submodule configuration disallows adding a submodule in a non-existent directory. If I want to add a new submodule in externals/foo_project, for example, it doesn't let me do that in one step.


File log and repo log should be represented as separated commands in the UI

Marek 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 3

I often find confusing to open repo log when I have a file selected. I end up opening file log, then I realize this, close it, unselect the file and reopen the log.

I think that two separate buttons would be good. The file one should be grayed out when no file is selected.