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GitLab, Merge Merge Request: option to only merge when pipeline succeeds

PL Sarbakan 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 0

The gitlab integration is great, but when doing a "merge merge request", the merge request is immediately merged. It would be great to have the option to use GitLab's "merge when pipeline succeeds".


Remote Tag support

Marc Strapetz 6 years ago updated by Declan 3 months ago 5

Git itself does not have "remote tags" as an explicit concept but one can workaround it by introducing custom refs, like 'rtags'. This basically requires to add an additional fetch-refspec like:

[remote "origin"]
  fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/rtags/origin/*

This makes Git always reflect and update the server-side state of tags on pulls and pushes.

Now, SmartGit could interpret this special "rtags" refs and apply the same logic to it as it does for remote and local branches:

- evaluate ahead/behind/diverged state for tags

- in the Log, have puzzle-piece display of tags

- forced-push checks for tags

- ...


Add support for Git includeIf.path option

Ricardo Amaral 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 3 years ago 7

SmartGit does not Support includeIf.path introduced with Git v2.13 (released May 2017) and it’s ruining my workflow between my personal and work projects (I use the same laptop).


path = ~/.gitconfig-personal

Works just fine, but using:

[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/Workspace/**"]
path = ~/.gitconfig-personal

Does not work at all…

The .gitconfig-personal file includes my e-mail address and when I use SmartGit, since that file is not included when working with a repository inside ~/Workspace/, SmartGit complains of missing e-mail address.

This is a problem with SmartGit because although SmartGit complains about the missing e-mail address, I can still commit and my e-mail address will be added successfully to the commit by git.exe (because git.exe reads the includeIf directive properly, while SmartGit does not).

Also, please take into consideration that if you have a configuration like this:


name = Ricardo Amaral
email =

[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/Workspace/Work/**"]
path = ~/.gitconfig-work


email =

The e-mail being used by Git for any folder outside of ~/Workspace/Work/ will be but any Git repository inside ~/Workspace/Work/ will use In other words, after parsing the full Git configuration (taking into consideration "include" and "includeIf" directives), the parameters that precedence (if found duplicates) are the ones on the bottom of the


GitHub/others: allow to easily check out pull request source

Bugged 6 years ago updated by Daniel Siegl 10 months ago 3


Can you put a button on his small menu, to allow me checkout on the pull request on a branch locally?

I would like to perform some updates on it, but first I need to checkout on it locally.

Image 244

Currently I open the command line and run:

> git fetch lark pull/236/head:pull/236


 * [new ref]         refs/pull/236/head -> pull/236

> git checkout pull/236

Switched to branch 'pull/236'


Show newly-added branches and tags in Log window

Sync 7 years ago 0

In the Log Window, if I right-click on a commit and added a branch, one would expect that the newly-added branch to appear in the graph.  However, if the current setting is "Show Selected Refs", the branch is not shown because the new branch in unchecked by default.

I strongly believe that new branches should be checked by default, and appear immediately on the graph, regardless of the "Show Selected Refs" setting.  The locality of the action (or context) outweighs the setting -- it left me wondering whether I did create the branch successfully or not.


Changes view: syntax highlighting in compact mode

Zizheng Wu 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

Repositories view: track and dynamically adjust to added/deleted repositories

dcalvert 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

There are some great command-line tools for managing groups of repositories. It is really convenient to commit to groups, use git-flow, etc. from the command line. VCS tool is what I use:

Would is be possible to select a folder in SmartGit and have SmartGit automatically add/remove repositories from the view when they are added/removed on disk? Even if that folder itself is a repo, and has more repos cloned inside it, which is how we work. We have a "glue" repo often times.


Text editing: add option to replace tabs with spaces

Andrew Pashkin 7 years ago updated by Paul W 3 years ago 11

When editing text in SmartGit it could be useful to have an option to force the editor to replace tabs with spaces. My exact use case is editing Index in Index editor.


Commit & Sync button in the Commit dialog

Shmulik Flint 7 years ago 0

In my day-to-day work, I rarely do Push, since we work in a large team and several times I pushed only to find out that someone already pushed after my last Pull, so my Push fails.

Instead, I configured Sync to do Pull before Push, and I mainly use Sync, to make sure my repository is updated with latest pushes before I push.

So now, when I want to Commit and then Sync, I need to Commit from the Commit dialog, and only when the ends, I need to click Sync.

I see that the Commit dialog has a Commit & Push button but this is not good, since as I said, I prefer to Sync instead of Push.

Can you add a Commit & Sync button in the Commit dialog, so when I have a commit I want to push to the server, I can click it safely and be sure my commit will end in the server? That would be great!


JIRA, Select Issue: Add filter / search possibility in the Select Issue dialog

Eugen Wiens 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 2

When the select issue dialog picks up more than ten issues from JIRA it is difficult to find the right one. An text search / filter can be help.