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Log window : allow to edit local commits messages

pgoiffon 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 5

In the journal view in the main view, you can edit easily a local commit message by right clicking on it and select the corresponding option.

This option is however not available in the log window... And I really miss it when doing lots of cherry pick...

Thanks !


Changes, Compare: allow to select full lines by using the line number column

Femistoklov 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 2

It is normal in any text editor to select rows by clicking and stretching selection at the column with rows numbers. Currently there is no way to select rows in changes window except positioning cursor into start/end of row.

Under review

In commit dialog, when using Ctrl+Space to complete filename, tab should accept the selected completion

Shmulik Flint 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 2

Ctrl+Space is very useful, but only Enter accepts the selected file in the completion menu, and tab moves the focus to the Select button. It would be more convenient that when the suggestion list is open, Tab will insert the selected file (like Enter) instead of moving the focus. Tab should move the focus only when the suggestion list is not open.


Enable accessing commit content from the Journal view

Shmulik Flint 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Journal view is very convenient, but one important thing is missing in it - it doesn't show you the content of the commit. If you want to see what files a recent commit changed, I have to open a log view for this.

It would be great if we could have column in the Journal view telling us how many files each commit contains, and if I hover over it, it would show me a list of the first 10 files of this commit in a tooltip.

In addition, it would be great if the commit context menu would have a Show Changes menu item that will open diff of all the files in the commit (after the usual warning for diffing more than 3 files).


Allow quickly revealing reverted commit

Ram Rachum 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

When I have a revert commit in the Log, I want to be able to right-click it and click "Reveal original" if this commit is a revert of a previous commit.


Support octopus-merge strategy

Sync 8 years ago updated by Colin Richardson 8 years ago 1

When collecting patches from several branches, an octopus-merge makes it clear that this particular merge-commit is meant to combine several branches (rather than merging or cherry-picking them one by one). 

Currently, SmartGit does not support this, although the Log does support displaying the result of an octopus merge.  We still need to merge via command line first.

One simple implementation is to check for conflicts first (whether literal or logical conflict), and disallow it if any conflicts exist.  i.e. restrict it to a clean merges only.


Automatically refresh worktrees after main repo's fetch

Sync 8 years ago 0


  • I have a repo, project.git, with several branches:
    • Branch1
    • Branch2
    • Branch3
  • project.git is marked as favourite.
  • Branch1 is checked out.
  • Branch2/3/etc is also checked out using "git worktree add".
    • This is also added into SmartGit repositories, but not marked as favourite.
  • project.git (Branch1) is currently opened in SmartGit. When a fetch (either manual or background) happens, I can see changes in both Branch1 and Branch2 from the [Branches] window. However, the [Repositories] window does not reflect the change for Branch2 worktree (no green or orange arrow). It will only update if I open that "repo", or if I mark it as favourite.


  • Add an optional flag to:
    • After a fetch, scan if the repo contains worktrees.
    • If yes, are those worktrees added into the [Repositories] window?
    • If yes, refresh the worktrees.
      • All of this is local, so it shouldn't be expensive


  • I don't want to burden the server by marking worktrees as favourite (excessive background fetch). The data is already fetched by the main repo anyway.

Ability to show all properties from .git/config, ~/.gitconfig and similar

Mike Lehmann 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 1

List them and show in which file they are created or overridden.


Accelerator for stage hunk/line in main window

Ryan Wooden 8 years ago 0

I can set accelerators/shortcuts for the stage/unstage hunk action for the diff windows, but I can't set one for the inline diff in in the "Main" and "Review" screens, forcing me to use the mouse for those actions.


Add a Help menu item to open this userecho site

Michael Geary 8 years ago updated by Petr Nehéz 4 years ago 2

There is no obvious way to get to directly from the app. It would be great to have a simple menu item in the Help menu to open this site.